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Just thought I'd say hello!

Hello Hippy

Welcome to POTV. I started with something very similar to what you have just purchased after trying a friends cig - alike and thinking it was out of a christmas cracker

Sure you wont be disappointed with the kit..... Lots of advice on here for more ways to save money too

See you around
hello and welcome to the planet hippy2094 - that looks like a pretty good kit in a few weeks on here you'll probably find yourself wanting a mod like a vamo or zmax when the time comes you'll find plenty of info and advice on here they're a good friendly bunch of guys and girls any questions just ask buddy.:welcome1:
Thanks Ninjaassasin1983 I'm trying to remain ignorant to the more expensive kits and the benefits they have over what I've got today, I don't want this habit to become more expensive than the previous one regardless of the health benefits hehe. When I first got the cig-a-like I did want something more purely for the visuals, although it did make a great torch if I could keep a puff going long enough :D

So far I'm quite happy with the new one, it's see through so I can see how much liquid is left and that was the most important thing, if it turns out I'm replacing the battery too often or spending way more than I should then perhaps I'll look a little more up market.
I think what you have can be very cost effective as long as you aren't tempted by shiny things you'll be on to a winner
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