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K A setting with Ni80 coils


May 30, 2019
Hi, me again
Looking for advice please - the settings/options on my device (Teslacigs PUNK 220W) are KANT, SS316, NI200, TI OR TCR
The head unit is Aspire Tigon tank with the sub ohm Ni80 coil 0.4ohm

Should I keep the setting on KANT (looks like the default setting and was like this when I bought it) or should I set it to one of the other ones? I am scared to change it in case I set the coil on fire or blow something up!!

thank you immensely for everyone's kind comments, advice and suggestions so far!
As stated above, kanthal is just normal wattage mode, which is exactly what you want to be running your ni80 in. However, do not use nickel (ni200) or titanium (ti) in anything other than their respective modes.
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