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Kayfun Lite or Russian 91% chimney


Jul 11, 2014
Original or clone, doesn't matter. Not the cylinder that screws onto the deck but the upper section that goes into the top cap o-ring.
O-rings for this piece also sought ... in fact, a full set of o-rings would be very nice.
What's in your spares drawer? :)
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If you cant find one then what about a nano kit? FT sell them for a few quid and you get a short chimney section.
Crumps, good thinking Batman!
I bought a nano kit but the short chimney section doesn't reach the gromit in the top cap - hence I want a spare that I can cut to the correct length.
scrumpox if you're stuck for a vape then I might be near-ish to you, I've probably got a couple of spare chimney "hats" in my kit box. not so sure about the o-rings though.
@scrumpox if you're stuck for a vape then I might be near-ish to you, I've probably got a couple of spare chimney "hats" in my kit box. not so sure about the o-rings though.
Top fella! No, I'm not stuck - still sucking on my Aerotank and PT3 on a VV eGo.
Gutted to be spending some time without my Vaporshark and RTA's though ... if you could spare one of those chimneys, I'd be grateful.
Original or clone, doesn't matter. Not the cylinder that screws onto the deck but the upper section that goes into the top cap o-ring.
O-rings for this piece also sought ... in fact, a full set of o-rings would be very nice.
What's in your spares drawer? :)

Hi mate I have a full size quartz kit which comes with the normal size chimney top if you are interested?

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