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Keeping your nicotine refrigerated?


Mar 5, 2014
When I bought my ingredients for my first mix the nicotine was kept in a refrigerator and they told me that this was the best place for it. I'm assuming this is good info but I thought I would check what some of the community had to say.
If you've got loads, the freezer would be better. Ive broken down my half litre into 50ml brown glass bottles, boxed up and put in the freezer. I don't bother refrigerating the bottle I'm using, I just keep it in a dark place.
I think I just have a 10 ml bottle, I wrapped it in an ice pack and put it in a dark place

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yes they are the ones i use and the no air gap is good advice, a dark cool place and sorted!! i put my nic 3 gallons of it in brown bottles no air gap then boxed and in a hole in the ground in my shed very cool all year round :grin2:
Clever :) by no air gaps do you just mean sealed in the bottle?

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