I must have built 40 or 60 different builds now
Have you thought about maybe sending it to someone who is a kayfun regular & then see what they can do with it ? Look for a volunteer on the planet.
Thought about it ! id give my right arm (na maybe my left, i vape with my right) if i could have a guru vaper to say "here what crap do you make of this" but unfortunately i dont , i live in the middle of nowhere and really dont feel like posting it out somewhere for the week but i am determined i WILL figure this out , as i'v said i'v watched most of the vids and they just throw them together, it just should not be this hard.
I'm wondering if its a juice flow problem , maybe i should get a dremal and go over the channels a bit, really not sure.
I wouldn't take a dremel to it just yet.
I have heard people with a lot of flooding issues and once you've done it you can't well, undremel it
As @vaporsizer said my first build worked and so has every one since so may just be a naff device.
If you want a kayfun "guru" to check it I use mine everyday and would be more than happy to build it up and get it working or on the other hand confirm it's fecked
I appreciate the offer and its possible i may take you up on it but on the other hand it was only £20 odd notes maybe just buy another. Thing really is annoying though as i have spent nearly a grand in the last 6 months since i started vaping and i promised myself this would be the last mod for a good long while and if i did id have to get a more expensive one i suspect but there are so many clones and i dunno.
Also i just dont see how mine is any different to any other , iv studied close up pics of other KFL's and i just cant see why/how getting another makes any difference , mines got no air leaks, blockages, bad electrical contacts etc
Wish it had a glass chamber so i could see what was going on in there
If i decided to get another would you chaps be able to point to something in the UK that defiantly works and pref is not to expensive ?
nice tank , did i see £160 ish ^^
Iv had an offer for a double checked new kfl from a member here for what i paid for my current one, i shall prob just stick with that besides im pretty new to RBA's and like the amount of spares and extras for the KF (even if it does make things a bit of a loto sometimes) and that would also give me 2 kfl's so spares from this one.
Anyhow , time to see how this current build is doing. Its actually been ok a slight burny taste here and there. However even if this build is fine it not a very good success rate (1/50) lol, unless it is some stupid thing iv been doing wrong all of this time but i seriously couldn't think what, we shall see fingers crossed.