Well i had some problems taking vid or photos of such small things (iv not got a lot to use for the job) however i think i might (and thats a big might ) have sused it, i think it was the comment that said "get what you think is about the right amount of cotton and then half it" . Iv re-wicked my current coil with a real thin piece of cotton , in fact it just looked ridicules. I bulked out the deck area with a little extra cotton and it seems to be working, tastes great , not flooded yet, or burned.
Think next time i shall loop it down along the deck and back up the other side to lay across itself just before it goes into the coil, this should give it a little more bulk as it just seems far far to thin to act as the juice wick and it wouldn't hold hardly any as reservoir as a single length.
I see all the videos though that look like they have loads of cotton , they feed it through the coil and cut it and its like a bush of cotton sticking out of each side.
Quite befuddled but meh
We shall see, thx all.