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Kick at the back of the throat

3.6v is still pretty low but maybe right for you, standard eGos run at 3.7v.

You wont blow up your VTR so dont be afraid to experiment :)
I also use a PT3, and as it is dual coil, it likes a bit more power than a lot of the single coil atties out there. I tend to vape between 9 - 11W on my MVP and that gives me a fairly decent throat hit. Also - make sure you clean and dry burn your coil head. If you've been using 60/40 for a couple of weeks without doing this, your coil is going to be full of goo and the hit is going to be a LOT weaker than it should be.
Lol don't be wary you'll notice the burn taste very quickly and back off V, the guide is only that a guide as so many variables to consider.

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