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Kylin M Help!!!!


Nov 22, 2017
Hi all,

So been vaping for ages and building for ages and moved onto the Kylin M for ages been wicking using 3 firebolt cottons laces and never had a issue..

Over the past week I have wicked and changed the cotton and mesh pretty much everyday! A hot spot occurs at the top of the mesh arch every time. I have changed cotton to the Vandy vape lace, same problem, I have Changed the mesh from Nextmesh to Vandy vape same issue. Changed the type of juice I'm using same issue. 0.2ohm mesh coils and 0.15 vaping at 40-50w

Have googled it to death, watched every YouTube video and still happening!

Any advice....
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I wouldn't claim to be an expert but just a thought. Do you possibly have a burr in one of the mesh clamps?
Cheers for the reply, usually give them deck a good clean out prior to a build but will have a look, doing my head in!!
Has it happened with one box of strips? Are you gently glowing before wicking as this will reveal any hotspots. Once mounted use the tool to smooth out any kinks as it's these that primarily cause hot spots. The only other cause would be the cotton sagging so is the spring still working properly under the ceramic block.
Has it happened with one box of strips? Are you gently glowing before wicking as this will reveal any hotspots. Once mounted use the tool to smooth out any kinks as it's these that primarily cause hot spots. The only other cause would be the cotton sagging so is the spring still working properly under the ceramic block.

Different boxes of strips, gently blowing prior to building on the decks and its a new Kylin so spring seems to be working as it should be! lost really!
Mesh sitting and looking pretty, formed up nicely, cotton in there real tight? You would know those things already, it's an odd one. If it's all good, I know this sounds weird, but try the atty on a different mod.
Mesh sitting and looking pretty, formed up nicely, cotton in there real tight? You would know those things already, it's an odd one. If it's all good, I know this sounds weird, but try the atty on a different mod.
Yeah mesh all god mate and tried every other way to wick it! Just changed the mod and see what happens!

Have just ordered the new profile so maybe give the Kylin a rest when that turns up!
If you could post a pic, might be helpful. Only other thing I can think of wicking wise is cut the tails shorter, my experience is not with the Kylin M but the steam crave titan and ragnar tanks, plus the Zeus X mesh. I was leaving the tails too long and when I cropped shorter it really helped, but that was at the start of me using mesh, your problems came later, so I don't know. The hotspot at the top of the mesh strips is not a problem I had, mine was on the mesh strips ends. Jim Vv is always worth a look but I expect you've seen his build vid already.
If you could post a pic, might be helpful. Only other thing I can think of wicking wise is cut the tails shorter, my experience is not with the Kylin M but the steam crave titan and ragnar tanks, plus the Zeus X mesh. I was leaving the tails too long and when I cropped shorter it really helped, but that was at the start of me using mesh, your problems came later, so I don't know. The hotspot at the top of the mesh strips is not a problem I had, mine was on the mesh strips ends. Jim Vv is always worth a look but I expect you've seen his build vid already.

Tried to upload but for some reason doesn't allow file. Thanks for all your help tho mate will keep at it! Nothing nastier than a burnt hit!
I Just got my Kylin M today, put a build in it at and away i went, perfect vape every time, i had a tiny kink in the mesh that i didn't notice but it showed when i was burning it prior to putting the cotton in, did as @nwhornet suggested with the coil tool and it was ok.
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