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Labour attacks Tory/Lib Dem MEPs for siding with big tobacco

:lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

Hypocrisy at its finest. Nothing about Ms Mcaven wanting to sentence 1.7 million UK vapers to an early grave!
They are twisting it to suggest that the Tory/LibDems are anti-consumer. Well pardon my guff how many Labour MEPs have even bothered to consult any Vapers? Us. The CONSUMERS. Whatever your political persuasion that stinks
They are twisting it to suggest that the Tory/LibDems are anti-consumer. Well pardon my guff how many Labour MEPs have even bothered to consult any Vapers? Us. The CONSUMERS. Whatever your political persuasion that stinks

Well what makes it harder for Labour, is they have lost 1.7 million votes.....hopefully. Now its time for payback for Mcaven, and whilst I dont like to think of people losing their jobs, if I was an incompetent as her, I would of been sacked long ago, but she can become a director of many pharma companies....oops did I say that out loud :D
Labour are becoming more militant than bloody North Korea and China, wanting to not just medicalise ecigs but stop free internet interactions.
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