I can make more vapour than a common ecig using a kfl or my dream atomiser, certainly wasn't running serious sub ohm drippers, just decent tank set ups, and all my mechs are far smaller than any vw device, I am however going to use what I want, how I want, I'm certainly not going be told not to use certain devices just because someone else cannot use them sensibly.
You'll also find that the people on here who are really sub ohming, tend to know what they are doing so are imo less likely to have something go wrong than someone with an ego and a crap usb lead bought off a market or from a vendor who has no idea about lithium safety.
Sorry, but anyone who has invested the time and money buying a mech, buying cells, buying a charger to suit, buying rebuildable atomisers, learning to coil, learning to wick, learning how to check coil resistance, are also likely to have found one of the many groups, be it here, other forums, facebook, dedicated to the pass time, I've not found one yet where the knowledgeable members dont constructively help people to do this within safe limits.
An ego with a ce4 scares me far far more than a pinnoy dripper at .4ohm, because the person with that pinnoy dripper will be damned sure to know exactly what they are doing.