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Library of EU Parliament PDF on Electronic Cigarettes

I've been reading this beast since yesterday, and picked up (as others here) an inherent flaw: they cite the various legal rulings which prevent health ministries in certain Member States from reclassifying ecigs as medicinal products, including the Netherlands and Germany, but then state at the bottom (and colour it in, very neatly, within the lines, on their map) that Germany and the Netherlands have reclassified them as medicinal products! WRONG!!!

Other than that, a nicely objective bit of Google regurgitation, I reckon, and a useful resource for the completely uninitiated, who must be wondering what on earth the fuss is all about!


I keep seeing the same thing govts etc looking at the implications of vaping as either a "cessation aid to tobacco" or some kind of giving up smoking aid. My word to them would be "Shut up about the classification and look at vaping for what it is. ! Whilst it does replace tobacco there are a number who see it as feeling a healthier way to ingest nicotine, plus a cheaper option to tobacco. Vaping can become a passion and hobby together and a social activity, whilst with the exhalation putting less risk to others around them. Vaping is taking the tobacco companies by storm and they hate it, and would pay a great sum to anyone in power to make it illegal (I bet they are offering backhanders to people in power), so they can sell an outdated dangerous substance and line their own pockets. Even now with all the proof about tobacco related deaths and diseases the tobacco companies are still in denial, although we all chose to smoke at the start, the promoting and commercial areas could be classified in this country as assisted suicide. They are beginning to panic BIG TIME..... Time is running out for them, UP THE VAPE REVOLUTION, and a big bunch of praise for all those who brought vaping to be as it is now.

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