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It does feel like traversing a dense, thorny maze with the plethora of options available. I don't have a sweet tooth, which doesn't help. 2nd order placed with LiQuid to try a few more flavours and strengths, although the 12mg/ml seems to hit the spot for a regular roll-up smoker. Don't mind £1 for a 10ml bottle, although I'm a little suspicious as to why they're so cheap.
Btw, how do I load a pic for my profile ?
Btw, how do I load a pic for my profile ?

I'm on the android app; click on the menu, click on your profile, click in the avatar, upload.

Can't really remember how to do it on the site... Almost never come on outside of my phone.
Due to the TPD as of 20th November 2016 some vendors are either sadly closing down, changing to zero nicotine only or selling concentrates only.
i will try to update the list as best i can but this may take some time.
theres plenty on my list from £10-15 for 100ml

only found a new one last week who do 250ml for £15 and they are rather quite good. only got the custard so far but another order in last night to beat the deadline. they are closed now for 2 weeks to go TPD complient. check out vaperoo in a couple of weeks time.
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