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List of trusted E Liquid & Hardware suppliers

Brilliant list thanks! - not sure if I'm allowed to suggest as a newbie, but I've been using vapemate.co.uk for juice so far as they do 'lucky dip' packs of 10 x 10ml for £3.99, where you choose your nic and vg level but get mixed flavours - obviously there's always some wastage with flavours I'm not keen on but has been a cheap way to work out what I do like.
Brilliant list thanks! - not sure if I'm allowed to suggest as a newbie, but I've been using vapemate.co.uk for juice so far as they do 'lucky dip' packs of 10 x 10ml for £3.99, where you choose your nic and vg level but get mixed flavours - obviously there's always some wastage with flavours I'm not keen on but has been a cheap way to work out what I do like.
thanks mate.
they used to be on there but cant see the link so ive now added them again for you on post 3.
Post 1 - My personal recommendations

Post 2 - Custard Lovers

Post 3 - Members recommendations

Post 4 - Other suppliers

Post 5 - Hardware Suppliers

Post 6 - Concentrates & Accessories

Due to the TPD as of 20th November 2016 some vendors are either closing down, changing to zero nicotine only or selling concentrates only.
i will try to update the list as best i can but this may take some time.

E Liquid Suppliers

A simple all in one place guide for members to search for E liquid.

all links below are safe but are used at owners risk.
this post is for information purposes only and myself and the forum owners take no responsibility on orders or delivery times or if you dont like the liquid as tastes are subjective and what one person likes the another may not.

i have personally bought from all the vendors on post 1 & 2 and quite a few more that just didnt cut the mustard and make it onto the list.
could members also add their recommendations of suppliers they have used and i will add them to the third post.

due to a lot of websites charging different prices i will just put the links below

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***My personal recommendations ***

Aerovape - http://aerovape.ltd.uk/ POTV Vendor

Alectrofag - https://www.alectrofag.co.uk/E-Liquid POTV Vendor

Bangin Vapes - http://banginvapes.co.uk/products

Big Juice UK - https://www.bigjuiceuk.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1 POTV Vendor

Caledonian Vapes - http://www.caledonianvapes.com/shop/

Chuff Stuff - https://chuffstuff.co.uk/collections/all POTV Vendor

City of Fog - https://www.cityoffog.co.uk/home

Cloudstix - http://www.cloudstix.com/

Coil Juice Co - http://coiljuice.co.uk/ POTV Vendor

Cornish Liquids - http://cornishliquids.co.uk/our-liquids

Cotswold Vapour - http://cotswoldvapour.co.uk/our-juices/ POTV Vendor (7/16 VOTM)

Digbys Juices - http://www.digbysjuices.co.uk/

Dinner Lady - http://vapedinnerlady.com/flavours/

Dragons Rise - http://www.dragonsrisevapers.co.uk/#!shop/co68

***Drip Drop Vapour - https://dripdropvapour.co.uk/

***DripworX - https://www.dripworx.co.uk/ POTV Vendor (6 /16 VOTM)

El Diablo - http://www.eldiablojuices.co.uk/ POTV Vendor

Emma's Vape Shop (previously Charlies) - http://emmasvapeshop.co.uk/ocart/index.php?route=product/category&path=59

Foggin Genius - http://www.foggingenius.co.uk/

G1 E Liquid - https://www.g1juice.co.uk/

Gourmet E Liquid - https://www.gourmeteliquid.co.uk/collections/eliquids

Grants Vanilla Custard - http://www.grantsvanillacustard.com/

Hodges Home Brew - http://www.hodgeshomebrew.co.uk/

Hyde Vapes - https://www.hydevapes.co.uk/collections/e-liquid POTV Vendor

Jackamoo Juice - http://www.jackamoojuice.com/eliquids

Jax Vanilla Custard - http://jax-vanillacustardvapes.com/

Kilo E Liquid - http://www.no1ejuice.com/kilo-eliquids/

LiQuid - http://www.onepoundeliquid.com/ POTV Vendor

***Manabush - http://www.manabush.com/ POTV Vendor

Medusa Juice - https://www.medusajuice.co.uk/ POTV Vendor

My Vapery - https://www.myvapery.com/

Nom Nomz - http://www.nomnomzeliquid.co.uk/index.php?route=common/home

Phileas Fogg - http://pfvapes.co.uk/shop/ POTV Vendor

PlumeBlu - https://www.plumeblu.co.uk/e-liquid POTV Vendor

Rainbow Vapes - http://www.rainbowvapes.co.uk/collections/e-liquid

Raw Vapes - http://www.rawvapes.uk/product-category/eliquid/

Re Juiced - http://rejuiced.eu/index.php?route=common/home

Root Liquids - http://www.rootliquids.co.uk/shop/

Scotts Cream Collection - http://www.vapescotts.co.uk/

Strawberry Fields (Facebook Only) - https://www.facebook.com/strawberryfieldseliquid

Superior Vapour - https://www.superiorvapour.com/

The Alchemist Cupboard - http://www.thealchemistscupboard.co.uk/

The Captains Reserve - http://www.thecaptainsreserve.com/

The Liquid Bar - http://www.theliquidbar.co.uk/

TiT Sauce - http://www.titsauce.co.uk/

T Max Juice home of snake oil - http://tmax-juices.co.uk/

***Urban Cloudz - https://www.urbancloudz.com/home (new website)

Vampire Vapes - http://www.vampirevape.co.uk/

Vapable - http://vapable.com/product-category/liquid/

Vape Club - http://www.vapeclub.co.uk/

Vape Goo - http://e-juicestore.co.uk/ use test site https://vapegoo-test.myshopify.com/

***Vape Potion - http://www.vapepotions.co.uk/e-liquids-brands POTV Vendor

VaperFog - http://www.vaperfog.com/

Viperoo - http://www.viperoo.com/

Wick Liquor - https://wickliquor.com/

Ye Olde Gloucester Gloop Custards - http://www.vapeiteasy.net/e-liquids/uk/yogg.html

Zap Juice - http://zapjuice.co.uk/

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Go 4 Smoke - http://www.goforsmoke.com/ CLOSED
Honey Vapes - http://www.myhoneyvapes.com/#!home/c1qgo (CLOSED)
Lumberjacks Moonshine - http://lumberjacksmoonshine.bigcartel.com/ CLOSED
***Mole Juice - http://molejuice.uk/shop/ (CLOSED)
Shadow Juice - http://www.shadowjuice.com/Default.asp CLOSED


Great post! Thanks...
sadly a few more suppliers moved to the bottom of each list as they have closed down.

as of 20th May and as far as i know i will have to remove all the facebook suppliers on the list.
Has the TPD increased cost? I've noticed vapegoo are apparently compliant and their prices are still the same.. Only difference is you add your own nic which they provide.
How the government thinks this is better or safer I don't know. "Here guys, you can't legally buy premixed eliquid anymore but get your hands on pure nicotine instead" :/
Has the TPD increased cost? I've noticed vapegoo are apparently compliant and their prices are still the same.. Only difference is you add your own nic which they provide.
How the government thinks this is better or safer I don't know. "Here guys, you can't legally buy premixed eliquid anymore but get your hands on pure nicotine instead" :/
Technically if they are offering the nic in a "pack" or kit then it's illegal....
And the "pure" nicotine is actually only around 18mg/ml strength, so it's only as "dangerous" as 18mg nic premixed juice.
@MrDJ This thread is bloody brilliant, so thank you for putting it together. But to make life more complicated for you (sorry!) how about adding a Trusted Amazon and EBay vendors section? I know we have Shoreditch, SRVapes, Perfume Llc, Vaporcombo and our in-house favourites @Ben fogstar and Rob @stealthvape all showing on Amazon and Ecolux and Torchy on EBay, but that's about the only lot I've come across who have any sort of decent reputation amongst us lot. Now personally I'd love to have a crack at becoming the POTV go to Amazon/ EBay chap, but alas I've a crappy degenerative autoimmune musculoskeletal disease thingy going on and frankly most likely wouldn't be arsed to do anything that remotely looks like it requires any effort lol. So it would be nice and convenient to be able to find the decent folk who can be arsed with that sort of thing quite quickly and to be reassured that said people have managed to live up to the standards that we apesters have become accustomed to. So what do you think? I've a sneaky feeling I'll be getting Amazon vouchers alongside the customary pair of socks and bottle of Brut this Christmas and birthday. It'd be nice to waste them on reliable vape goodies!
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