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Local Vape Stores - What's going wrong?

There's a new vape lounge just opened in the local town centre near me, I have to admit being new to vaping I'm kind of nervous to go in!
i probably speak for most longer term vapers ie 2 year plus and get 90% online
simply due to costs the more new vapers emerging will no doubt do the same i would like to buy more from bms but the prices they want i cant afford as i use about 15ml a day
When you discover how much it costs to mix your own eliquid and the likes of fasttech etc it becomes a no brainer not to use B&m's.
Plus doing your own research about gear will help you avoid the pitfalls of being sold rubbish or items the b&m's are struggling to shift, some B&m's also give terrible advice but not all.
Done! Always had a crap service from my old local! Never go in there anymore.
Done. Lucky my local has my juice at a better price than most online, go figure!
Thanks all for the responses and the survey is still open.

Some really interesting results coming through... (Mainly in all your ages ;) ) I jest, there really is some key points that come across. Leaving this open to continue the analysis!
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