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London POTV Meet

Or sleep anywhere. I once got woken up by a hobbit on the steps of the Criterion. But that's another story for another day.
bah, just an average day then.
back in the mid 80's i woke up in a tree starkers with my clothes neatly piled on the ground. to this day i have no recolection how i got 4 miles from the party at my hospital to the park at the end of my road and fek knows how i got up the tree.
bah, just an average day then.
back in the mid 80's i woke up in a tree starkers with my clothes neatly piled on the ground. to this day i have no recolection how i got 4 miles from the party at my hospital to the park at the end of my road and fek knows how i got up the tree.
Fuckin Hero
most prob why im wridden with arthritis now then. actually it was a year after that that i was first diagnosed. eek.
bah, just an average day then.
back in the mid 80's i woke up in a tree starkers with my clothes neatly piled on the ground. to this day i have no recolection how i got 4 miles from the party at my hospital to the park at the end of my road and fek knows how i got up the tree.
You win. I've woken up starkers at a party covered in my own vomit. I've woken up in a phone box. But §I've always known why. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a legend!
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