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Looking for a rebuildable for my partner...?

Subtank mini with rba? Or even the ego one tank using the the CLR rebuildables. 12 quid will get you the tank and a 5 pack of rebuildables heads from fasttech. All authentic. Got my bro one and its his go to tank. Loves it.
It has to be the kayfun mini v3. Its small, dead easy to build, looks and tastes great and is just 10 quid for very well made clone.
Could you point me in the direction of a good clone please? At that price it's worth a go as a first try to see if she gets on with a rebuild able one that relies on me doing the rebuilding range than her having to just change a pre-made coil.
Did you manage to find the correct version on FT Kinny? It is something like $13 dollars and is the one with the most highly rated reviews. You wont go wrong with this atty so def get it mate :)
Late to the,party but I bet the toptank mini would,suit. She is already familiar with,kanger, you can,use the rba and she can have,a,75w setup in funky colours. Trust me,my,wife holds that in high regard.
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