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Muted flavour since I started building 1 year ago! (using aromamizer supreme v2)

Totally agree on the airflow, my plus was giving very muted flavour until I moved the coils out further so they are closer to the air holes.

Based on the pic it does look like the wicking is not effective. I found with the supreme the wick needs to fill the juice channels to prevent leaking but very loosely. Have you tried trimming a little off the ends of your wick to make them a litle narrower?
Hi, I don't quite know what you mean as I have had 0 leaking issues with this tank since I got it, I have tried wicking it so that the ends of the cotton are just barely touching the deck, but enough so that it won't leak, and i've tried filling the juice channels with the wick and I haven't noticed a difference, thanks for the suggestion though :D And I think i'm gonna try to move the coils closer to the airflow when I rebuild on this later. Thanks!

I have a Supreme V2 and it's a fantastic RTA for flavour, but it's very easy to put a little too much cotton in there and suddenly, no flavour. Won't get many, if any, dry hits. Just a flavourless vape.

It's finding the balance between flooding the deck (too little) and no flavour (too much). Keep practising is all I can say.
Thanks for your suggestion mate, I definitely will practice a lot more, I do think I spend way too much time fiddling around with the cotton to try and get it perfect, and in the process of doing so maybe I am actually making it worse. First thing i'm gonna try is letting the cotton sit a little looser in the coils as I have heard that cotton bacon does expand quite a bit once saturated.
One thing that hasn't been mentioned is coil position in relation to the airflow, which can really affect the flavour. You want the air coming all the way around the coil, rather than just brushing the top of it, for instance.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I have paid attention to that actually, the coils sit slightly lower than the airflow if you just coil this tank with the coil aligned to the centre of the vertical posts, so I have been lifting them up slightly so that the coils are directly in front of the airflow. What I will try though is moving the coils closer to the air flow.
you say it couldn't be all the things you listed in bold but it could quite easily be a number of they things mate, you can't write anything off,

in the pic with the cotton looking almost burnt in the coil but fresh on the ends, is there a bit too much cotton packed in tightly with the coil ? i have found if the cotton is in there too tight that happens to me, i appreciate you have said you have 100's of wicking videos but there really is a fine line between too much and too little cotton

personally 9 times out of 10 any issues I've had with flavour, or vapour production, burning cotton,spitback etc is all down to the wicking process

this morning for example my new serpent mini RTA was struggling to wick and after 3 or 4 draws i could taste a wee dry burn in the background, i fixed it by literally cutting a ml of cotton of either end as it was just a tiny bit too much in the channel

i would also say if you have only used 1 type of coil, (1 manufacturer) it's worth trying a different coil setup, i know you say you don't have time to make coils but a simple single wire NI80 3mm int diameter 0.5 guage coil would take less than 1 minute to build,( i use that as a suggestion as that is what i currently have in both my wasp nano and Hadaly)
i have used pre built coils from different places (still to try @Smut coils but i will be) and i have found the best results are from the coils I've done myself, it's easy to use cheaper poorly made prebuilt efforts and that usually tells when you vape on them

buy yourself a wasp nano rda which is single coil, get yourself a roll of Nichrome or NI200 or Kanthal wire and try a simple build which is easy to wick and i almost guarantee unless you are having issues with your tastebud's the flavour and vapour production will be spot on,

it also could be the juice you haven't said what type of juice you are using.

I'm just thinking out loud here but as i say don't write anything off and go back to basics on everything and slowly ensure every part of your set up is spot on

hope there's something in amongst my ramble that potentially helps, I'm relatively new to building but i have spent a lot of time making mistakes and learning from them and i think the most important thing to appreciate is, you will always be learning new things, sometimes you will think its a perfect build and you vape and it tastes like crap and you have to tweak things here and there

another thing when you install your coils before you wick them are you giving them a fire to make sure there is an even glow? eliminating hot spots etc ? Ive forgot to do that plenty of times in a rush to vape and it messes up the whole thing

anyway I've typed enough and like i say hopefully something in there that helps

Hi, thanks for your reply, yeah I feel like maybe it was a bit arrogant saying that it couldn't possibly be the wicking method, however I was only saying that due to the fact that I feel like I've tried everything imaginable and nothing has made a difference. Haven't had spitback, haven't had leaking, haven't had dry hits since I got this tank. I do agree though that maybe I am putting a little bit too much cotton in the coils as I have heard cotton bacon expands quite a bit once saturated. I appreciate the suggestion of the wasp nano rda, that will definitely be a future purchase as i've been looking for a new dripper, however for now I will just try the NI200/NI80 as I've never tried anything other than kanthal. And I switch my juice up every week, however the liquid I was using in the photo is blackjack by stika bombz, which tastes like licorice.
I use SS316L & Brochrome (flat Ni80) both from Stealthvape. Normally simple coils (single & dual depending on tank/RDA) & occasionally SS316 Clapton (26g+32g). I use V2 but only in drippers/squonkers & do find it can be muted at times (although that might be my crap wicking) especially on the first few squonks. Find it can take a while to settle, as when I have tried it in tanks it can take a tankfull before I get the flavour. I too use the V2 & find better flavour quicker with Muji type pads as there's less time to break the wick in. The V2 is my go to RDTA although I have the Supreme, Lite & Aromamizer, all nearly as good, airflow on the V2 is smoother.
Speak to @Smut about getting some of his Aliens to try, well rated on here for the quality of his coils.
thanks for the suggestion, I will definitely check him out!
Personally, I would avoid Ni200, as it's a TC only wire. Go for Ni80, suitable for wattage and easy to work with.
I bought the supreme v2 recently and have been tinkering to get the flavour right as well. Recoiled with 24g ni80 claptons yesterday and with coils raised higher, it has been an improvement.
I can only add that, going by your coil/wick photo it appears that the pair of coils are not working equally. One is showing a wick with plenty of usage colour whilst the other is still showing as "clean". Maybe worth a double check on dry burn without wicks just to see that both coils are glowing equally and concurrently.
The uneven usage, demonstrated by your photo, could (if the coils are firing equally) be due to the wicking being a tad tight in one of your coils, not tight enough for dry hitting but just a smudgin too tight to get a good juice pickup.
If both coils are working OK and evenly you could try lowering your watts a bit. This will increase ramp up time and may be a bit of a cloud sacrifice but can, sometimes, improve flavour.
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I was disappointed with the flavour when I first tried drippers. I was using Demon Killer coils too. They are shit.
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