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Looking for my first squonk ?


Jan 16, 2017
I've been vaping 2 + years now,got allot of mods and many atomizers, which a few have squonk pins. So I thought I'd like to get a squonker to add to my collection. Any help and advice would be most welcome..
You haven't mentioned whether you prefer mech or regulated, what your budget is etc, so I'm going to jump starlight in and say Pico Squeeze for a starter.
It's regulated to a constant 3.7v, is cheap and plentiful and does what it says on the tin.
The dripbox 160 is cheap and ok for a 2 cell mod but the rda is shite so you'll need to change it. If you are after a small single cell then the squeeze is supposed to be good although I haven't got one.

However, if you have a decent budget and looking for quality then the Lost Vape Drone bf is outstanding. Recently bought one and like it a lot
Pico squeeze for its good quality, compact, single battery and foot in the water to test if you like it.

Dripbox 160 for its two battery bigger wattage, bigger mod and paddle in the water to see if you like it.
Been looking at the frankinskull clone very cheap looks a nice little mod ,

but with it being a clone and a mec unsure about if it will be to dangerous or will just not work as it

plus original ones are far to expensive for what they are

i love the 3d printed look
They need some work straight from the get go bud. The contact strip tends to be rough and ready in shape and can make contact as soon as you load the bottle and battery so that needs 're shaping before use. The bottles are poor and difficult to squonk plus some work needs to be done on ensuring a tight conection between bottle and 510. The 510 isn't perfect so quite a few have replaced it with a decent one from modmaker. All in all I would personally definitely go for the Pico but it's worth.waiting a few days for the first real reviews of the yiloong gorilla.
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