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Looks Like Another National Lockdown Is Coming

colleges and universities are more lot less businesses though. i think that’s part of the problem. if they had to stay shut, teach online and not have any revenue from accommodation, course fees from the many students who likely wouldn’t have enrolled if it was distance learning and then other associated stuff the government would need to plough massive amounts of money into keeping them open.

a massive amount of students have uprooted, some from the other side of the world, travelled here to spend a fortune on overpriced accommodation, only told be told almost immediately that all the classes are online anyway. it’s a scandal, really.
Never thought about it that way.
Maybe shut schools and leave universities open.
Gotta love the intelligence of some of the public.

30 minute speech on England going in to lock down from next week.

Any questions?


Does that include SE Cornwall?

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Never thought about it that way.
Maybe shut schools and leave universities open.

universities, about here at least, are effectively shut anyway. they just had to pretend they were open to get the money out the students. only bit of the uni round the corner that ever has any students near it is the library, and even then it’s a sparse one or two.
universities, about here at least, are effectively shut anyway. they just had to pretend they were open to get the money out the students. only bit of the uni round the corner that ever has any students near it is the library, and even then it’s a sparse one or two.

Aye, both my two girls are at Uni (again) only been in a hand full of times since start of the term, all online or placements....
Aye, both my two girls are at Uni (again) only been in a hand full of times since start of the term, all online or placements....

how are placements working? i know social work students etc are struggling with that.
Aye, both my two girls are at Uni (again) only been in a hand full of times since start of the term, all online or placements....
My lad is doing a practical based degree - banned from the labs, one online lecture this year. He’s already had to isolate twice for two weeks each, plus Tier 3, now this. It’s a pile of bullshit. Meanwhile we still have to fork out for his accommodation and living.

I’m going to support him sacking off the course till next year.
how are placements working? i know social work students etc are struggling with that.

Better in fact for one (Midwifery) 2nd year as that is more placements than Uni anyway.... other one (Paramedic) 1st year, bit lost, but coping.....as it happens because of covid and online studies she has been able to keep on at her job in the Ambulance control room. thanks to her gaffer.
My lad is doing a practical based degree - banned from the labs, one online lecture this year. He’s already had to isolate twice for two weeks each, plus Tier 3, now this. It’s a pile of bullshit. Meanwhile we still have to fork out for his accommodation and living.

I’m going to support him sacking off the course till next year.

That's shit man, don't think you are alone though, it's a real struggle, also the usual Uni student jobs don't exist to help support the costs...it's a fk up man
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