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Lotus dripper clone issue


May 8, 2014
Ok got one of these from FT removed the awful coils and replaced. Ready to go...
Drip a load of Steamgunk purple haze on it. Whoa! Great vape production.
Ooh what's this at the bottom? A flavor control? I turned it a little and now it's stuck. I've tried everything to turn it back. Now all my Vapes on it taste of the steamgunk juice no matter what I drip on it.

Any ideas on how to get it back or flush out?

Also these things are terrible for leaking...

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app


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If you mean the brass ring just slacken the top off a bit and turn it. Or if you mean the little hole at the bottom just give it a good pull then put it back on. Mine only leaks if i put to much juice in it though i do block of the fc hole and just use the triangle one.
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