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low juice consumption? difficulty changing to just vaping, any tips?

nikki from mars

Jun 26, 2013
Ok am wondering if this is just me, but, as a fairly heavy smoker for years am finding it difficult to swap over to just vaping. I am vaping some juices at 36mg, which I know sounds very strong, howver, I am only getting through less than a ml of juice a day, however much I chain, and at work where I have limited access to vaping or smoking in particular, am finding am getting through much less. This means my nicotine consumption is way lower than when I smoke. Which may be why although I have been able to cut down a bit I am still finding it hard to switch. It's one thing if your nic level is a bit lower, but when it still seems much lower it seems to be really difficult to make the changeover. I really want to make the permanent swap, and am thinking then lowering my nicotine consumption will maybe be doable in stages, but at present I seem to be stuck. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe I can do something I haven't thought of that would solve this problem. Any hints, tips or tricks greatly appreciated. I am currently using ego/ego twist batteries, with ce4/5 or kanger mini protanks, standard ohms heads (not sure what they come in at but from reading around maybe 2.4 or 2.5 ohms. Not being able to fully changeover is getting to me a bit right now, I really want to give this a go but am finding it stupidly difficult right now. Please help!
Though not what I'd describe as a heavy smoker (17-20 per day), I have been smoking at that level for nearly 30 years and, though vaping brought about a natural and immediate drop to 3-4 per day, I'm finding it hard to let go of those last few. The fact that I can go most of the time without a cig tells me this is purely psychological, but having done so well, I'd love to become a fully-fledged non-smoker (the first time I've WANTED that since I started, even though I knew I SHOULD).

I find it's easiest to not even want a cig when I can vape as the urge takes me, but if I go a while without vaping until the craving hits, resisting a cig is MUCH harder.

My workplace banned vaping a few weeks ago, and now banish us to the smoking areas. The fact that I'm expected to go through the smoking ritual makes me more likely to smoke - exacerbated by the fact that abstaining means I'm craving a cig by the time I pop out.

When I can vape at my desk as I work, I rarely consider going out for a cig. I find regular vaping usually prevents the craving ever getting to cig level.

I'm only vaping about 1ml per day - started at 18mg, dropped to 16mg recently.
nikki from mars My OH was in very much the same boat your in just now, the most difficult cig for him to cut out is the first one in the morning (which he still has :( )
He vaped on 36mg to begin with and I went through a multitude of e-liquid to find him something that would replace the cigs...
Problem for him was when to vape so we bought a battery with a puff counter, some of his workmates smoke, so he would have 10-15 puffs when it was break time, lunch etc it took a little while but recently he wanted to vape, not go to a shop and buy cigs :)

So stay strong and replace your cig with vaping when and where you can, it doesn't have to be an immediate change, but everyone on POTV will support you :grouphug:
We is all different. I started at smoking 36 years ago 20+ a day. Started a vaping about 8 weeks ago, spent the first 4 weeks slowly cutting down, (that was the easy bit). Then got stuck at 1 in the morning and 2 or 3 in the evening, for about a week. Ran out of baccy on 2/8/13 and promised myself not buy anymore, and so far so good. After reading some posts here I found that I was vaping the same way as I was smoking. As it said in the post you need to suck slower than on a ciggy, and doing that has helped a lot. I still want that first smoke in the morning but have to vape through it cos I ain't going back. I'm on the same setup as yourself but only 18mg juice. If it helps I find a long slow draw fills the my lungs better, so more nic is getting absorbed.
Apologies, as I really think this is gonna be a long post, and all personal opinion & experiences if I am honest, and everyone is different, but it might help.

Firstly, before I decided to start vaping, I WANTED to quit smoking, I had fallen out of love with tobacco, but still wanted nicotine. Playing jenga with an ashtray balancing on your lap can only have its appeal for a short period of time ;)

I aslo struggled for the first few days, and that is the morning fag. The reason being is I really dont think you get the instant hit with vaping, so found myself craving whilst vaping away. The usual morning ritual of getting up, yawning and stretching, proceeded with scratching my nuts as I come downstairs, flicking the kettle on, teasing the cats, sitting down and switching the TV on relaxing and firing up the first fag with a steaming hot cup of coffee, was changed. I have a vape when I get up, only a few tokes, but it starts to work, then I do all the above, and by the time I sit down, craving is not there, and I can have a gentle vape.

Brings me nicely onto the next point, as humans we are really habitual creatures, and certain things remind me of smoking, and the only times I have thought of fags is when I do these things. I changed some of these habits or rituals and now I dont think about them as much.

Now remember vaping is different to smoking, when you pick up that fag, you smoke till its finished, when vaping, you take less drags and finish when content. How many times have you chipped that cigarette or carried on smoking it even when you have not wanted it.

Now work and vaping and strength. I had a real hang up with vaping 24mg Nic liquid, I thought it was too high and was a little concerned, but I have found in a 24 hour period, I vape about 1.2ml, now if I goto 18mg it doesnt really go up anymore than that, which I was surprised at. There is an exception to that rule and its manabush, I vape that constantly and even carry on through my Nic headache. But from the Bolton and Notts meet, I did realise people were vaping much more frequently than me, so I realised the end result is about the same nic level, so dont panic about 36mg.

Remember, the reason why Vaping is so succesful is the whole hand to mouth action as well, its the psychological effects of smoking. I did a post on here about it, and even stand by that post now, the 'dark times', 'the lonely times' are the only times I ever think about tobacco now.

Dont beat yourself up about those odd fags, its about all the ones that you have avoided, thats the success.

In summary, I use Vaping for the addiction to nicotine, and PoTV for the psychological withdrawls when times get tough :)
Probably not helping that at a bit of a low point at present. Work related exhaustion, amongst other things. Am going to keep going as I am and then keep trying to cut down on the cigs, hopefully will get there eventually, just frustrated at myself for not seeming to be able to get there yet.
Seriously Nikki, dont get frustrated. Just accept it, when the time is right, the transition will be seamless. Look at all the fags that you have avoided, thats the achievement.

Beating yourself up about it, getting frustrated and feeling guilty will result in resignation and a move back to stickies full time. Your mind at times can be your best friend, and at other times your worst enemy.
Took me a couple of weeks of doing both at the same time. Vaping all day and fags in the evening. I then ran out of tobacco and didn't buy anymore. Was hard for a week but after that I was fine and never looked back. That was last December 15th. Not had any tobacco or any kind of smoke since.
Probably not helping that at a bit of a low point at present. Work related exhaustion, amongst other things. Am going to keep going as I am and then keep trying to cut down on the cigs, hopefully will get there eventually, just frustrated at myself for not seeming to be able to get there yet.

Don't be :), everyone is different one how they adapt to the change over, some can stop instant (like I did) and some take longer, some peeps still smoke analogs even after years of vaping, don't feel rushed or that you HAVE to stop right now, it`s not a race and it`s not mandatory, don't let others push you either, it`s you that makes the choice on how you progress and how fast you go, in that way you go at the pace that suits you, and if you find that you simply just cannot stop the analogs completely and still need one or 2 then fret not.
And we are here if and when needed for any help :) .
A lot of the push to stop entirely is either from non smokers who have never smoked, or not in years. Or current smokwrs who are I think just wanting no one to leave the smoking camp. Doesn't help that my OH is in the latter camp a little bit either. He finds my new 'hobby' quite amusing, he swears from all the different juices I buy that i must have been an alchemist in a former life, but as far as ue sees it vaping or any other form of nicotine use means you will always still be a smoker. I don't want to be a smoker anymore but I know from trying every other method going that none of them have worked for me due to the nicotine addiction. I just want to be in control of it, rather than the other way round, and for me I see being able to vape instead as a better alternative as less harmful, and in theory less expensive once the current period of juicitus and shinyitus settle down..
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