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Magico Salt Nic Stick Problems - Advice Wanted!

Les Magyar

Jul 30, 2019
Hey everyone! I hope you are all having a good week.

I recently purchased a Magico Salt Nic Stick, and have been having issues with. I've tried google, but to no avail!

I prime the coil (1.8ohm for salt nic, 1.2ohm mesh for freebase) with whichever vape juice the coil is for, and within the day the coil tastes incredibly burned. I took one apart the first time this happened, and saw that only the middle wiring of the coil was black and coated in sludge. Other than that, the rest of the coil was fine, and the only browning of the cotton was occurring in the middle where the wire was black.

I swapped it out, same issue. I exchanged the device, and the same thing happened after a full days use of it. I have gone over the device multiple times and have no seen any apparent physical damage or deformities on both the tank and device. The coils and tank are never tightened too tight or too loose, and I let it sit for at least 10-15 minutes after priming before use.

Has anybody else experienced this issue? Any help is appreciated!
The black sludge is from the e-liquid... it happens to all coils eventually, which is why they need changing .... I would avoid that liquid.

you can use either coil with freebase, there's no such thing as a specific coil for nicotine salts, other than marketing BS.
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