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Manabush flavours (after a long absence)


Mar 30, 2016
Hi all

My first post in years... Unfortunately, I fell of the wagon and started smoking again back in 2019 :-(
I've started vaping again a couple of months ago and haven't had a cig in the last month.

Ironically, my last post was about Manabush as well...
I understand that there were changes made due to change of suppliers etc., so I was wondering if, in the last 3 years, the flavours are somewhat similar to what it used to be?
Powwow Sauce, in particular, was my ADV and I could go through bottle after bottle of the stuff. But the last one I got (although it was 3 years ago) just had a chemical/burnt taste.

I've just had a look on their website and can see there are quite a few new ranges now. Any suggestions for a creamy/custardy tobacco vape?


PS: I know the Manabush owner/representative is active on the forum, so my apologies if this has been asked MANY times before!
Hi @saffa_brit and welcome back. had quite a few fall of the wagon over the years but end up back here vaping again so congratz on giving it another go.

yes, powwow did change taste and comparing the two i much prefered the original but that was when it first changed and i finished one bottle and moved onto the new variation and it was quite noticable.
saying that within one bottle i soon got used to the taste change and still buy my backy infused vapes from da bush man including powwow.
worth a looksy though is the tribute range of powwow which on the bottle states, butterscotch caramel and cream. rather tasty.
Hola @saffa_brit Welcome back!

Recommend : Tribute Powwow, Creme Corona, Sweet Blonde and Tribute Chiri Blonde

If we have any left .. the Caramel Kiss Powwow from valentines would be worth a look .. if not mixing Caramel Kiss from the Dairy Divergent non tobacco range with some powwow would recreate it quite faithfully :)


I have been with Manabush for 6 years now and always vaped powow, then moved to Chiricahua Sun. Lately they sent me a trial of Chiri Blond shortfill for 12mg, and my goodness what a taste. It is gonna be my daily vape now.
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