Getting tempted by all this gushing but I've been fooled by tobaccy juices before! Would you guys say it's closer to the hooch/bobas bounty malty/rich/sweet baccy or the house of liquids el toro authentic baccy. I love the former and loathe the latter!
To be honest it's like none of them and I've tried them all. I was stuck on Boba's for nearly 6 months before getting on the Grants. Although most say it's a tobacco base don't be put off by that as I'm not a big baccy fanboy myself and it's not heavy on the baccy flavour.
It's very complex and tastes different in most devices whether genny or silca. I prefer it with a silica set up on about 8 watts (which is low for me) and it has a malty, sweet, creamy, nutty, vanilla taste. Yes all of them !!
To me there's a vanilla edge for sure and a little bit like Breakfast Blend from Redwood but much thicker and moorish.
Try it
pauly meatballs - it's probably the only juice I've given to fellow vapers that no-ones disliked.
The only reason it isn't my ADV is that it was pretty much only available through Terry at Leisure Liquids and was nearly always out of stock, which sums up its popularity. Hopefully Z will keep the stock levels up and if so I can't see me vaping much else.
Good luck with it pal, it'll be a keeper for sure.
P.S. - It does tend to cook a little at higher temperatures and is a bit of a coil gunker, hence me vaping it at around 8 watts and in my opinion doesn't taste half as good in a genny.