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Manabush short fill.

And do have a look see at Druids Brew and Rope Cut. Both are really ( as in really) nice, especially Druid's...Welsh perfection.

Drop a little MB Pow Wow or Nokomis in with DB's Bread of Heaven....lurvely!
sure you'll know @steviebee but Manabush and Druid's have got together for a mash up:bliss:
Ooooh yes @stevoknevo - I'm dreaming of that figgy- tabac goodness!

It's going to be a great Xmas if they release it in time...hell, a great new year if they don't!
now you are just going to have to try the others. powwow, coyote and nanabhozo are always within arms reach of my desk.
I remember I was using an ry 4 from halo (uk) and it was discontinued due to all the dicyl fuss. I had a stock and no idea where to go next but so many apes where raving about it I though well it's worth a try. Loaded it in an aerotank with the 1.5 ohm coil and boom. Couldn't believe that much flavour was possible. Went through the whole range and have been vaping nanabhozo ever since. It's a rare thing to say but there's not one flavour I don't love. I even got a secret stash of the ltd run the collection one. Awesome. To this day the one regret I have is I never got up to steam tea and tried the banana bunkr juice. I get teary thinking about it. Ah regrets.
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