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Manger Subtank Build Disappointing!


Nov 10, 2014
Alright ladies and gent,

I'm using my black Subtank mini RBA deck and no mater what build I do it never provides a saturated flavourful vape. Plenty of heat and vapor but just not to my liking.

Anyone else noticed this or is it maybe something I'm going wrong? The pre built coils give me the same results.

I'm building a simple spaced ni200 coil, 10-11 wraps 28awg on a m3 screw coming out at 0.11ohms.

Thanks for reading everyone.

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It's a Kanger Subtank mini not a "Manager" like the title states but it won't let me change it.

Stupid auto correct!!!

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The subtank rba plus (the new version with the holes drilled into the side of the chimney) sucks. I had nothing but problems with the original (which I gave up on as I couldn't be arsed to drill out the juice channels just to get a decent vape) and had high hopes for the rba plus.

I vape with 70vg juice but no matter how I wick this piece of crap it doesn't work. I've watched numerous videos, have read numerous forums, have tried numerous builds, but this thing doesn't seem to wick properly at all with the juice I'm using. I'm been building for around 12 months so it's not down to a lack of knowledge or experience.

The only success I've had with this rba is trying a vertical coil build in it, which actually worked a treat (and was quite easy to do).

However, I'm utterly disappointed with this rba, which is a shame as I love the subtanks.
Have you considered less wraps but in a wider setup...I had issues just like you spoke of till I made a larger coil and got some more wick in there. Be care to not put too much in there, you kind of what it just a teeny bit loose. When it gets hot and full of liquid it will expand. Ti 26 gauge wire


Alright ladies and gent,

I'm using my black Subtank mini RBA deck and no mater what build I do it never provides a saturated flavourful vape. Plenty of heat and vapor but just not to my liking.

Anyone else noticed this or is it maybe something I'm going wrong? The pre built coils give me the same results.

I'm building a simple spaced ni200 coil, 10-11 wraps 28awg on a m3 screw coming out at 0.11ohms.

Thanks for reading everyone.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes

Not here to offer any advice really as I'm new to using the Kanger sub tank mini but I am getting loads of flavour and clouds with this setup.

I ditched the pre built coils, flavour not to bad but I like a good cloud.

I have 0.4mm Kanthal, 5 wraps, gives 0.6ohm and I vape at 12.1 watts, 2.7volts.

I found the coil position being closer to the air hole and a wick that's not too tight in the coil gives the best result. I cut my wicks about 3mm past the coil ends and fluff them out (pancake wick) I then juice them and put the chimney back on, I use a bit of wire to make sure no wick is blocking the juice channels and then screw the top on, I add more juice at this point.

Oh, I also pulse the new coil a few times before adding the wick, I think this really helps.

I always use Maw's Milk juice from Emporium Vapour.

Good luck mate, hope you get it sorted, it's a fantastic tank when you get it set up properly.
Have you considered less wraps but in a wider setup...I had issues just like you spoke of till I made a larger coil and got some more wick in there. Be care to not put too much in there, you kind of what it just a teeny bit loose. When it gets hot and full of liquid it will expand. Ti 26 gauge wire



What ohms did you get and at what wattage are you vaping at?

ive found the subtank rba crap for nickel builds..
normal kanthal it works fine tried 22(took to long to cool down),24,26 and some twisted 26 guage and it works lovely.
havent tried titanium yet as i havent got any wire... (will order some soon)

as for nickel... rubbish..
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