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Matching Flavours to Recipes


Jul 11, 2016
Hello all!

I've been a long time lurker on here but I'm in need of help! So I've just taken the plunge into mixology, mostly on a whim (sick of spending £15 on terrible flavours) and I think I might have done things a little backwards. I made a fairly huge order on Chef's Vapour and I'm struggling to make use of the flavours I bought. I couldn't find any recipes that I have the ingredients for and my mixing attempts so far have been fairly disastrous. Here's what I've got:

100% VG base
Capella Vanilla Custard v2
Capella Raspberry v2
Chefs Choice Apple Crumble
Chefs Choice Blackcurrant
Chefs Choice Banana
Chefs Choice Strawberry Milkshake
Real Flavours Blueberry
Real Flavours Mango
Rebranded Range Blueberry Martini

So far the only combination I liked was 15% blackcurrant with 5% blueberry. Can anyone nudge me in the direction of a recipe that might include these concentrates? I'm happy to put another order in if there's something I'm missing (I'd quite like a Cinnamon and a lot of the recipes seem to include Marshmallow.)

I usually vape on a Velocity with dual 5 wrap parallels at 0.14 if that's any help.

Sorry if this is a noobish question but I appreciate the help,

All the best,
You seem to be missing 'base' type flavours getting some concentrates like cookie, cream, doughnut, cheesecake, yoghurt could help. Also too much of a flavour can have a negative impact, try mixing up some single flavour testers to get an idea of the optimal percentage and what flavours will combine well with another.

http://e-liquid-recipes.com would also be a good place to sign up and create a stash with your flavours, you might be able to find a recipe there to make. If you're just looking for inspiration then i'd add a few other flavour manufacturers blackcurrant etc as chef's choice and the rebranded range are not going to be as popular as the likes of cap. tfa, fa, fw etc
You seem to be missing 'base' type flavours getting some concentrates like cookie, cream, doughnut, cheesecake, yoghurt could help. Also too much of a flavour can have a negative impact, try mixing up some single flavour testers to get an idea of the optimal percentage and what flavours will combine well with another.

http://e-liquid-recipes.com would also be a good place to sign up and create a stash with your flavours, you might be able to find a recipe there to make. If you're just looking for inspiration then i'd add a few other flavour manufacturers blackcurrant etc as chef's choice and the rebranded range are not going to be as popular as the likes of cap. tfa, fa, fw etc

Thanks bananas! I've signed myself up on there - will be ordering some base flavours and I'll see what I can make (next up is definitely a cinnamon based flavour.) I'll also order a PG base as I think 100%vg isn't helping things.
I'd forget ordering any more single flavour concentrates for now - what you want is a a few 100ml of something nice to vape steeping away in your cupboard which you are most likely to achieve by mixing up one shot concentrates. When you have that done then you can play around inventing recipies out of individual flavours (which by the way is a typically very slow iterative process)

Search one 1 shots on the forum for suggestions and have a butchers at Everything Liquid, Chefs Vapours, Solub Arome brands for decent selection of one shot recipies that are basically shake and vape.

The recipie mega thread is worth reviewing to see the sorts of individual flavours that go into recipies - you'd be better off choosing a couple of recipies that you want to replicate and ordering the individual flavours required to do so but even doing this might give you a result that you don't necessarily like so trying to get a bottle of the original to try can work out cheaper in terms of your time. Everyone was excited to mix the Unicorn Milk clone recipe that came out - I got a bottle of actual Unicorn milk from my local store and decided I didn't really like it much which saved me buying the 5 or 7 individual flavours and pissing about mixing them to reach the same conclusion :)

What you've done so far is buy some random concentrates that you might like to vape as individual flavours but single flavour mixes are often a bit/very dull. Our man @Ment, for example, to get a nice strawberry flavour, mixes about 4 versions of strawberry from different suppliers and might add a cream base of multiple cream flavours.

Stick with 1 shots for now - quick, cheap, easy, vapeable. Become a master flavour mixer with your own range of killer recipies later down the line.....much later :)
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