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Mech Mod & Ohms Law Question

I am just learning but from what I understand is if your battery is rated for 35a you want your build (coil) to use no more than 30a so you are safe or as safe as you can be so you should be going for a build around .5ohms
Hi all,

I'm new here so please be gentle lol.

I have a decent understanding of Ohms law, I own and have used a mech mod (furyan squonk).!

What is it with people. He asked to be gentle with him. Yes he’s new, but so we’re we all. Why don’t people actually help the guy. Don’t you want us to all be safe? As he already uses a mech with a far lower and less safe dual build, so better to explain in plain English then be all techie with him or tell him off that he doesn’t know ohms law so he doesn’t end up frying himself. Most of us here learned about ohms laws from each other. Too many people patronising. You are just confusing him.

I hope below explains it better below...

The answer firstly is your coil snapping, batteries shorting, which is more dangerous than pulling to much amps out your battery (battery overworking getting too hot) as you usually pulse when vaping and don’t keep it going so that the battery gets THAT hot (unless your button gets stuck). That aside, is you will be absolutely fine with that setup if you always test your coil that it’s secure and put in the cotton on an ohms reader or good regulated just to make sure the coil is not broken and the coil is not shorting which can happen if you over dry burn, or also movement happens when you put in cotton and it pulls out the coil a little from the contacts. Mech Furyan mod plus single coils @.20 with the 30T is perfect as you will only draw 21 amps max. That’s WELL within safety limits of a genuine battery. You could go down to even 0.15 and still be safe as that will take a max of 28 amps when battery is full (4.2 volts). Obviously battery will not stay at 4.2 volts long so will get a wee bit safer anyway (you will draw less amps) as you vape a little. Yes, A single coil is safer then dual as dual of similar coils does takes more out of the battery. After 6 months or so or when you notice batttery doesn’t hold volts for as long, please dispose of the battery safely and get new ones. And just becuse the battery is capable of discharging at 35amps, it won’t ‘fry ‘ the coil with the full 35amps as your coil will only draw what it can out of it with a mech. It could in theory snap if it’s too hot, but that usually happens when dry burning too long and it gets very hot and glows for too long, and your coil is older used, built badly like some Chinese ones, and gets weak, so just go easy on that and only dry burn on a regulated in pulses. Also, when using the mech, don’t ever keep the button pressed by accident for long periods that’s all. Finally make sure battery wraps are ok, as the biggest issue is not just not pulling too many amps out of a battery, but actually shorting the device with negative and positive connecting somehow, or shorting with a broken coil. Just be safe and keep asking.

Ps, use a good regulated squonker if your still confused.
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I am just learning but from what I understand is if your battery is rated for 35a you want your build (coil) to use no more than 30a so you are safe or as safe as you can be so you should be going for a build around .5ohms

Not correct, 0.5 only takes 8.4 amps max. Unless your using a fake battery, you can go much much lower in ohms and therefore get a much better hit/vape out of it to be within the 30amps (safer limit compared to pulling out full 35amp).
You could probably make better use of your "decent understanding of Ohms law" if you realised that the reason you were doing the calculations was not to avoid melting your coil but to avoid overloading you battery by drawing too many amps. The more you are under the the max continuous discharge rating (max safe amps) of your battery the safer your build is.

He has a point, melting the coil can mean breaking the coil, possibly causing a short, and a short is more of a problem than battery overheating or overworking pushing out extra amps it should t be delivering. Most exploding mechs are due to shorting than overheating batteries from pulsing (vaping)... Quality of coil used therefore is quite important and while those vape lovely when newish, I have fried/broken multiple stock Recurve coils when dry burning (only dry burning firstly on a regulated of course before switching the cottoned juiced up (and tested) coil onto the mech)...
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Not correct, 0.5 only takes 8.4 amps max. Unless your using a fake battery, you can go much much lower in ohms and therefore get a much better hit/vape out of it to be within the 30amps (safer limit compared to pulling out full 35amp).
I meant two but I would still be wrong.
He has a point, melting the coil can mean breaking the coil, possibly causing a short, and a short is more of a problem than battery overheating or overworking pushing out extra amps it should t be delivering. Most exploding mechs are due to shorting than overheating batteries from pulsing (vaping)... Quality of coil used therefore is quite important and while those vape lovely when newish, I have fried/broken multiple stock Recurve coils when dry burning (only dry burning firstly on a regulated of course before switching the cottoned juiced up (and tested) coil onto the mech)...

When you vape you are not pulsing the battery. Think on how long you hold the fire button in for. If your pulse is that slow I would get it checked out. That is why mooch doesn't give pulse ratings anymore.
When you vape you are not pulsing the battery. Think on how long you hold the fire button in for. If your pulse is that slow I would get it checked out. That is why mooch doesn't give pulse ratings anymore.

I hold mine in for 2-3 seconds, I guess your right that’s not pulsing. But still, what I meant is the longer you hold, the more you can ‘fry’ a coil with a powerful, battery, causing coil to break (and then short the device) which is what he was scared about (and rightly so). Just explaining to him that vape presses (I called them pulses but you are right) are less likely to get the coil sooooo red than keeping it pressed that the coil gets so hot and red that it snaps (for his own safety)...
I hold mine in for 2-3 seconds, I guess your right that’s not pulsing. But still, what I meant is the longer you hold, the more you can ‘fry’ a coil with a powerful, battery, causing coil to break (and then short the device) which is what he was scared about (and rightly so). Just explaining to him that vape presses (I called them pulses but you are right) are less likely to get the coil sooooo red than keeping it pressed that the coil gets so hot and red that it snaps (for his own safety)...

Just thought I would mention it as some people I have met think they can go above the CDR rating as they are only pulsing which is not the case if you want to use a mech safely
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