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Mhra delay

yeah it does...basically its saying MHRA cant meet the deadline on ecig regulation by this spring, which which is a given since they cant even agree to it in Parliament or the commission!
As much as it might be an interesting read, the thought of putting even one penny in the coffers of Mr Murdoch makes me feel a little nauseous.
Copy and paste if you can read the whole thing pls ?
Can't do that without getting the forum into trouble :( Copyright laws, unfortunately.

I am so sorry for not bringing this news to you here myself - I'm still locked in a cupboard writing endless personalised letters to MEPs - and thoroughly sick of it, I can tell you!

Suffice to say, although I can't publish the article, I can share with you the glorious comment of our lovely Clive Bates. I nearly hurt myself when I read it!!!

""'Light-touch' medicines regulation is about as likely as low-fat lard and so we need to find a genuinely proportionate way of regulating these products that recognises they are alternatives to the most dangerous consumer products imaginable. In other words, without letting inflated concerns over minor risks in e-cigarettes mean that the totally unlicensed market for super-harmful cigarettes is protected from competition from better, much safer products by perverse regulation."

It's excellent news, but not entirely unexpected, since the decision now rests with Europe... to which end, back to the wretched letters....


Can't do that without getting the forum into trouble :( Copyright laws, unfortunately.

I am so sorry for not bringing this news to you here myself - I'm still locked in a cupboard writing endless personalised letters to MEPs - and thoroughly sick of it, I can tell you!

Suffice to say, although I can't publish the article, I can share with you the glorious comment of our lovely Clive Bates. I nearly hurt myself when I read it!!!

""'Light-touch' medicines regulation is about as likely as low-fat lard and so we need to find a genuinely proportionate way of regulating these products that recognises they are alternatives to the most dangerous consumer products imaginable. In other words, without letting inflated concerns over minor risks in e-cigarettes mean that the totally unlicensed market for super-harmful cigarettes is protected from competition from better, much safer products by perverse regulation."

It's excellent news, but not entirely unexpected, since the decision now rests with Europe... to which end, back to the wretched letters....



Lol absolutely love clive! Thanks for a quick update! Dont you sleep either? Lol
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