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Migraines and Vaping

Hi @Liz M . Personally I think, if you are sure the vaping is relating to your migraines, using the lowest dose isn’t the best idea. If you use higher strength liquid, then you would need to vape substantially less. Since it seems very possible that it’s not nicotine causing this (assuming you used to smoke, and didn’t get migraines), and therefore some other constituent in the vapour, I think you would want to reduce the overall amount of vapour you consume, and increasing the nic strength would help with this.
Thank you, I’ll give this a try.
I used to smoke around 40 a day and went straight to vaping without nic because of getting a headache and sore throat from vaping nic lol (Tried 3/6/12mg before giving up with it)
Me too! I often get swollen tonsils and sore throat from vaping.
Try hydrating more(consuming more water(not sugary drinks), not gallons, just half or a pint here and there), even if it means having to use the bathroom a few extra times a day, i know water isn't exactly exciting to drink, but it's a simple and safe thing you can do to see if it helps.
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