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Ming drip tip review

ohh errr misses , how the hell did you keep a straight face lols , bet your kids were on the floor when they watched you record this, btw i loved it informative and dam funny ,

defo nsfw though if my boss heard the audio he would have a heart attack :)
It took several attempts, only one bit I nearly lost it. Hopefully next time I'll be a little more relaxed! I got stage fright and forgot my best double entendres, doh! Luckily my kids are a little too young to get the jokes, they both have very innocent minds at the moment!
Im more worried what my customers think as most of my YouTube channel is for my dog walking customers, although my youngest keeps putting up roblox videos! I actually watched them last night, I don't know how he does it, they are really good and he's worked out all the editing himself! Not bad for an 8 year old! Mind you he's the same at school, all the kids come to him with all their computer problems!
My son is too young to understand computers, but I have a video of him trolling on the internet on my facebook page.

Hes only 15 months old. But me and him have just been moshing in the living room. He prefers 'scuzz' to cartoon nerwork.
He was just running riund the living room headbanging and trying to jump.
He cant quite jump yet though. He has the technique but not the power to actually leave the ground yet lol

Come to think about it I also have a video of him from last month running full pelt head first into a door because he thought it was hilarious!!!!

:rolleyes: definitely takes after me :thumbup:
I only nearly lost it once, the rest of the time I think I pulled it off pretty deadpan! I would have been ruder but my kids kept coming in and it put me off a little. What was worse was getting my 8 year old to upload it and convert the file for me!

Admirable. Including the almost losing it bit :)
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