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Review Mini review - Asmodus Minikin 180w v2

Yup. Nice review @keithw . Enjoyed reading that [emoji106]

Anyone would think you're an English teacher and not maths [emoji6]
Yup. Nice review @keithw . Enjoyed reading that [emoji106]

Anyone would think you're an English teacher and not maths [emoji6]

Thank you for the kind words everyone.

But, as I said I'm no reviewer just a user.

I would love to give everyone the full run down on all the features but I just don't use them all!!

@SirLugg from such a seasoned and very well educated man (who has a library - which I'm very jealous of..;))

That means a lot!

Finish, feel in the hand, ease of use, tidy 510, big fire button that needs a central push, good battery life, they are all the good features of the 120 and 150 also (apart from the bare metal versions of course).
Like you (and many others) I couldn't care less about the "curve" setting and TC.

What you could do is when firing, check the voltage displayed to see if it marries up with resistance and watts?
Maybe also try out the same atty on the V2 and say the RX? at the same wattage and see if they feel/hit the same?
I want I want I want!!! First mod that's given me serious shinyitus for a while now, if anyone sees the purple one available in the UK do me a favour and let me know?!
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