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Mixing equipment advice


Feb 10, 2015
Hi all,

Just wondered what people's preferred methods for mixing are. Currently I tend to buy plastic syringes from ebay and then just rinse them after mixing but didn't know if there was an easier way? For example does anyone have an easier experience with weighing there mixes in a beaker rather than having to use a different syringe for each component?

I've got myself digital scales but I'm still using syringes in the main ... mix using mls/syringes for concentrates, then add diluents by weight, only mix entirely by weight when making up larger quantities ... 100mls+.
I use the method that takes the least amount of time. :)
I read on here by someone the best tip in the world. put sticky tape over the numbers of the syringe because they come off with all the liquid. [emoji382]
I read on here by someone the best tip in the world. put sticky tape over the numbers of the syringe because they come off with all the liquid. [emoji382]

I've never had that problem although I know a lot do. Are people putting the whole syringe in? Cause I only put the tip in (trying so hard not to laugh at my own innuendo now). The numbers are on the outside so why would liquid even come in contact with them?

And thanks scrumpox :) do you just have normal scales for large mixes then that do like 1g increments? Or precision ones?

I have some which I use for the occasional time I make pizza from scratch haha
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Syringes. No weighing. I'm really not into ratios, and no longer require throat hit. So. It's x amount of flavour 0.8ml of 72mg nic top the bottle up with vg... Prefer the simple life
Syringes. No weighing. I'm really not into ratios, and no longer require throat hit. So. It's x amount of flavour 0.8ml of 72mg nic top the bottle up with vg... Prefer the simple life

Woah gary68 you live life too on the edge for my liking haha. Wish I liked dripping cause would love to only have to visit boots now and again for VG.
I've never had that problem although I know a lot do. Are people putting the whole syringe in? Cause I only put the tip in (trying so hard not to laugh at my own innuendo now). The numbers are on the outside so why would liquid even come in contact with them?

And thanks @scrumpox :) do you just have normal scales for large mixes then that do like 1g increments? Or precision ones?

I have some which I use for the occasional time I make pizza from scratch haha
Syringes - in my experience, it wasn't the concentrate nor the water that removes the print ... it was wiping them dry with a tissue. I used to just rinse them and let them air dry, but now I put clear sellotape on, takes seconds and removes any worry or need to be careful with them.

Scales - I bought a cheap set of digital scales, £8.41 off ebay, accurate to one decimal place. If you want to be serious about weighing I'd recommend more accuracy, to two decimal places ... I'm happy enough though. Also, ensure they'll weigh up to 2kg.
Woah gary68 you live life too on the edge for my liking haha. Wish I liked dripping cause would love to only have to visit boots now and again for VG.

Dunno how much it is in boots. But a litre is £5.89 from lubrisolve on eBay
Syringes - in my experience, it wasn't the concentrate nor the water that removes the print ... it was wiping them dry with a tissue. I used to just rinse them and let them air dry, but now I put clear sellotape on, takes seconds and removes any worry or need to be careful with them.

Scales - I bought a cheap set of digital scales, £8.41 off ebay, accurate to one decimal place. If you want to be serious about weighing I'd recommend more accuracy, to two decimal places ... I'm happy enough though. Also, ensure they'll weigh up to 2kg.

thanks for that tip! I will give it a try!

As currently that's the boat I'm on, I use syringes then afterwards I will take them apart and rinse them then let them air dry. Just creates more work and sometimes puts me off making eliquids so I tend to do 100ml or 30ml bottles at a time. Very rarely the odd 5ml or so for testing out new flavours.

For 100ml I use beaker cups which have measures on them and I just pour the vg and pg into separate cups then use funnels to pour them into the bottle. I then use the syringe to do the 1ml or 0.67ml or whatever it is so that its exact as the calculation I have in the recipe.
Otherwise to make a 100ml bottle with just syringes is a long painful journey, esp sucking up that vg juice and god help you if your doing a 80/20 or 100vg mix lol
Something you might want to consider doing rather than using multiple syringes which is a lot of hassle:

Get a pack of 14ga blunt tip needles and dispose of them or soak them in hot soapy water or something when you are done, that way you can use the same syringe and just swap the tip between concentrates etc.

Not ideal, but could be a little easier than what you are doing right now. If you are interested, they are included in our accessory kits. (There's an image on there too if you want to know what they look like)
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