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Mods advice please

I am awaiting delivery of my Vamo, and to be honest, more than a little excited!
I had a custom made pipe mod, and it is amazing with every juice i have tried, if the vamo comes close then i will be one happy bunny!
I don't need a vamo.
I've been told, I don't need a vamo.
I have an SVD, so I don't need a vamo

A black vamo v5 with a gold PT on top, would look nice. Even though I don't need one.
Thanks everyone. Looks like I'll be looking at a Vamo then. :) Roll on pay day. :D
And looks nicer imo ;)


The Vamo's great; it does its job, it's cheap, and it looks nice enough (it's a tube mod, you can't really go wrong). The only problem I've had with it is the centre pin gets pushed down very easily, and it can be hard to get it into the right position to make a connection and fire again, if that happens. If you are going to buy a Vamo you might have to buy a little O-ring pin stopper replacement to stop this from happening. But, again, they are cheap, and the Vamos do look nice. Be aware that the V4 does not give out the true voltage you set the device to, but rather an average of that voltage by frequently pulsing 6 volts at variable intervals.
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