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Got my 300ml this morning, so for only tried mole downstairs and it's bloody lovely.
The batch date is the date we bottled them if they are 3mg or 6mg they are good to go and have been steeping g for at least a week
I don't know if I should apologise for starting this thread, sorry your not getting much of a rest over the festive season, I feel like I should come down and give you a hand bottling because your boots are well and truly full. PS I have to put in a few more orders myself soon. Sorry lol
Actually enjoying it pmsl its been a bit wild but more money being made for charity and that's what matters
Too true, I'm a sucker for a good cause, and with the lack of government funding it's people like you that keep organisations like the ones you support going. Kudos to you.
I'm away for a couple of weeks so my order will have to wait, but I'll definately be ordering when I get back
Got my sample pack today. Milk Mole and Muffin Mole are just the same as another popular brand, I wanted to try Rocket Mole and have to say it's gorgeous very pleased with it exactly how it's described. Pink lemonade is an interesting one even get the fizz on exhale weird it's nice but not one I would vape all day. The last one I got was Molesenburg great if you have a very sweet tooth also has a strange cooling sensation again very nice but not one I could vape all day.
All said and done I will be ordering the Milk Mole,Muffin Mole and Rocket Mole for certain.

the moles have landed. received with thanks.

not had time to try all yet but milk mole is bang on the money.
it doesnt have that strong syrupy smell and taste which one hit wonders milk man has but thats not a bad thing as you juice is as close as you can get and a seriously enjoyable vape.
expect a larger order soon.

the moles have landed. received with thanks.

not had time to try all yet but milk mole is bang on the money.
it doesnt have that strong syrupy smell and taste which one hit wonders milk man has but thats not a bad thing as you juice is as close as you can get and a seriously enjoyable vape.
expect a larger order soon.
Not as many artificial sweeteners in the moleman as there are in milkman I think, it certainly doesn't gunk up my coils as much anyway. Glad you got yours anyway.
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