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my F5 button is warn out :(

we are always patient :D

join an orderly queue apes.
listen mate, when you get to my age you dont want birthdays to come round too soon.

not long to go though until end of august :D
My eyes are killing me!!! I've been staring at this screen for an hour and twenty five minutes now!!!
listen mate, when you get to my age you dont want birthdays to come round too soon.

not long to go though until end of august :D
End of August? Whats going on then?
My eyes are killing me!!! I've been staring at this screen for an hour and twenty five minutes now!!!
Im refreshing both pages molejuice to see if open this one for reply. I am patient......honestly
you made me go and check to make sure it was set correct on the forum. yup, its end of august.

was that a ploy to get me away from the website. :)

me not had a vape for almost 3 days as been laid up with temp of 101 and the dreaded lurgy. not good when you dont have an imune system as it hits you bad, and it did.
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