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More Statistics :D



These are our statistics from Google Analytics since the forum went live in July


Visits: 59,792


Unique Visitors: 19,878


Pageviews: 598,245

So in 3 1/2 months, we have had nearly 60k in visits, nearly 20k in UNIQUE visitors, and almost 600k page views! That is a LOT for a new website!!

This month October 1st holds the day for the highest new posts at 582. Our lowest post count for the month was on October 16th at 135. The rest of the month, you apes have averaged 200 new posts a day :)

We average 20 new threads a day :) (Come on you guys! I know you can make more new threads than this! :P )

We are averaging over 130 members a day logging in :D

Tune Association V3 is our most popular thread!

General Chat is our most popular forum!

Top Keywords bringing members to the site:
1: Planet of The Vapes
2:Waves of Vapour
4: Smoketech Zmax

Top Website Referrals that bring people to our site:
1: Facebook.com
3:HealthCabin.net As they have so kindly listed THIS FORUM as their UK based forum :D

YOU are amazing and thank you for being apart of the Planet!
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Good shout KMS.
We're doing bloody well, our member lists are growing every day and we've got a great little community :D
These are our statistics from Google Analytics since the forum went live in July


Visits: 59,792


Unique Visitors: 19,878


Pageviews: 598,245

Visits: 67,447
Unique Visitors: 22,531
Pageviews: 659,891

In a weeks time we have jumped up this much! Nearly 10k in visits, up almost 3k in new unique visitors and almost 100k page views!! You guys are insane!
Brilliant news for a young forum. Running one is bloody hard work and promoting it even harder. But potv has the right feel about it and that is its 'friendly' . That's the one thing that is hard to keep going as moderation has to play a part. I Iooked at another forum today and tbh as a newbie it scared the life out of me as being over moderated and frankly quite aggressive.

Keep it up, it's a great hang out and your doing an amazing job.
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