Time for a little update!!!
OccultScientist and ZT switched the forum over to a new Analytics last week and boy have I become a stat junkie!
In a week, we have had over 121,505 page views, nearly 30,000 of them are BRAND new page views. That means someone came on the forum and clicked a post or thread, they hadn't ever seen before! We have had almost 9,000 unique visits to our site, that is nearly 9000 different people. Can you imagine if they all registered?
We are edging up to 800 members with 356 active. The active members number can change though, that just means we have almost half of our members logging in at some point in the last 48 hours. That's pretty darn good!
We're nearly to 4,000 threads and 40,000 posts! Big jump!
The websites that bring us the most traffic for the week are:
Todd's Reviews
ProVape (Makers of the ProVari)
Stealth Vape
The most clicked vendors on our forum for the week are:
Keywords that bring us the most traffic for the week are:
SaferCigs Discount Code (#1 spot on google)
Vaping (#3)
Vaping UK (#1 spot on google)
Candy Canes (go figure!)
Joyetech evic
We have over 10 vendors linking back to us via their website including TheSaltyBox.com which is a Marine life forum, our PoTV Introduction to ECigs thread there has reached 43 pages and 3,689 views. So if you are into fish and Marine life, go check them out and spread the forum love!
Big thanks to all of the vendors who have contributed to our Holiday Hamper Competition
We will release the names of the vendors and all the goodies they contributed on Christmas morening when we have announced the winner! Members check out the thread in the Competition forum, Vendors if you would like to contribute, please see the thread in the Vendors Private Discussion and for any Mod Makers please PM me for more information