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Was it worth the 99 year wait? Read more.

It’s about time we heeded the recommendation of Menzies School of Health researcher Dr. Marita Hefler, who has called for a total ban on cigarettes as a new study finds millions of deaths could be prevented if smokers switched to electronic cigarettes. Read more: here.

Here we are vapers. It’s the week of Thanksgiving and I have a tidbit of bad news. Hopefully, this doesn’t impact many of you, but just in case it does, we wanted to make sure everyone was aware that the USPS Arizona office is having shipping delays… again. Read more.

...to ban cigarettes from film in an effort to drive home an undoubtedly important message that smoking kills is an angle that I feel has the potential to cause more harm than good… creatively speaking. Read more.

The DEA conflates marijuana with cocaine while the FDA conflates e-cigarettes with tobacco cigarettes. There’s a pattern here. Read more here.

One of the world’s BIGGEST cigarette providers has gone on record against themselves. Strange, isn’t it? Read more here.

Apart from the unhealthy act of smoking, 209 “healthy” smokers took part in the study that set out to better understand the effects of long-term vaping in relation to lung function. Read more here.
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