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MTL kits for Xeta


Feb 22, 2016
The kit & caps for the original Xeta are going up tomorrow for those in the group. If anyone wants the kit for a clone pm me as I I'll try to get on the list. $25 + p&p so whatever that is in proper money. First come, first served assuming I get picked.
The kit & caps for the original Xeta are going up tomorrow for those in the group. If anyone wants the kit for a clone pm me as I I'll try to get on the list. $25 + p&p so whatever that is in proper money. First come, first served assuming I get picked.
Nice gesture. Only problem is the mtl fittings will cost way more than the clone. But good on ya for making the offer. I hope you get on the list. :)

I still think it’s very naughty of Steven to do it this way. Clever financially, but I see no reason why, considering the big demand for mtl these days, this wasn’t covered with the original.
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