@samcc and welcome to the planet.
ill leave the MTL expert advice to those above which have given some great advice.
what i will ask is what sorts of flavour are you after. there are many suppliers who still do TPD tested 10ml bottles inc 3,6,9,12,18mg normal nicotine.
as your not sure whats the best strength what i done when i gave up 5 years ago i bought a 12 and 18 nic. 18mg was perfect after a 37 year bad habit of 20-30 a day. if you smoked less than this then try 12mg.
back in the day mtl was all there was until the revolutionary kanger subtank appeared which was the first real DTL with lower ohm coil. i then dropped straight down to 3mg and have stuck there ever since.
as said above you can check out LiQuid, Manabush (great fruit infused backy flavours), Drip Drop, Vampire Vapes, Re Juiced who all have a variety of flavours in 10ml bottles.
all links can be found here
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