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MTL recommendations

Hello and welcome..
For ME after lots of experimenting and trying loads of tanks and kit my personal favourite tank is the
Innokin Zenith tank with the 1.6ohm coil excellent mtl vape along with any decent mod really I only need 11-12 watts for my perfect vape so any mod with a decent battery life that I can recharge currently using a eleaf ikuu i200 that has a nice 4600mah battery...lasts me a few days vaping all day between charges.
So I could do mtl on my Wismec active? I'm guessing I would just have to lower the wattage?
I have been vaping for a few weeks using a Wismec Active (adding a 20mg nic salt to 50mg liquid) and I enjoy it but struggling to stop smoking. (my plan was to gradually cut down and use vaping as an aid) and I just have a couple of questions.

Is it right that adding a 20mg nic salt to 50 ml liquid equates to around 3mg nicotine? I have been told it is way too low and need around 18mg when first stopping smoking to be satisfied.. Is there a way to get to 18 mg without buying pre mixed liquids?

I have been told that mtl vaping is a lot better for stopping smoking, is that true?

Also what is the best mod and tank for mtl vaping (UK) if money isn't an issue?

Thanks in advance, Sam.
To be honest 3mg may be a bit low! it Depends on how much you smoked. If you’re a 20 a day man then something in the region of 18-20mg May be better or you could try something a little lower like 12mg. IMO best to start high and then work down. You can buy some cheap liquids from onepoundliquids to test out the required strengths for little money. Sites like vapepotions are good for Nic salts..

MTL replicates more of a smoking style than dl and so it’s a more natural style of progression. However some people hate mtl and go straight to dl. Typical mtl strengths are 12-20mg. Typical dl strengths are 3-6mg. However we are all different.

Most mods will do the same as any other so as long as you go with one of the big brands you’ll be absolutely fine. If mtl then a single battery mod or anything around 2500 + mah should do you all day. You can spend anything from £20 to £600. Go for something you like the look of as you’ll be using it all day.

Probably the best all-round stock coil mtl tanks will be the Zlide or Zenith. Some love the Nautilus 2. If you want something a little fancy then you could get a more boutique style tank called the EVL Twin. Another option would be the Jac Vapour S22 tank. This last tank won’t give the best flavour but it’s built like a tank and the stock coils are some of the most trusted and long lasting you can buy.

sadly there is no ‘best’ of anything. Vaping is like eating - we all have different tastes and what works wonders for some can be a disaster for others.
To be honest 3mg may be a bit low! it Depends on how much you smoked. If you’re a 20 a day man then something in the region of 18-20mg May be better or you could try something a little lower like 12mg. IMO best to start high and then work down. You can buy some cheap liquids from onepoundliquids to test out the required strengths for little money. Sites like vapepotions are good for Nic salts..

MTL replicates more of a smoking style than dl and so it’s a more natural style of progression. However some people hate mtl and go straight to dl. Typical mtl strengths are 12-20mg. Typical dl strengths are 3-6mg. However we are all different.

Most mods will do the same as any other so as long as you go with one of the big brands you’ll be absolutely fine. If mtl then a single battery mod or anything around 2500 + mah should do you all day. You can spend anything from £20 to £600. Go for something you like the look of as you’ll be using it all day.

Probably the best all-round stock coil mtl tanks will be the Zlide or Zenith. Some love the Nautilus 2. If you want something a little fancy then you could get a more boutique style tank called the EVL Twin. Another option would be the Jac Vapour S22 tank. This last tank won’t give the best flavour but it’s built like a tank and the stock coils are some of the most trusted and long lasting you can buy.

sadly there is no ‘best’ of anything. Vaping is like eating - we all have different tastes and what works wonders for some can be a disaster for others.
Oh it seems I’ve written pretty much the same as the above.
Thanks for the reply.

Would you recommend buying a pre mixed 6mg and seeing how I get on with that then?

I've heard tanks are designed for mtl or dtl, but are certain mods designed more/exclusively for mtl, or can any be used?

Depends ;)

6mg is probably too low for trying to quit smoking combined with MTL.

You can always get a lower strength bottle of the same flavour and mix them to lower the overall strength (a 12 and a 6 results in 9, or 18 and 6 makes a 12), but it's way harder to make it significantly stronger - however you could get a 6 and if it's not enough add some 12 or 18 to bump it up.

Pretty much any mod can be used for MTL, the power is lower - you won't get far trying to DTL with a 10w mod though ;)

MTL replicates more of a smoking style than dl and so it’s a more natural style of progression. However some people hate mtl and go straight to dl.

The latter was me - I didn't want to replicate smoking and wanted to distance the style so went straight to DTL.

A year later and I'm on MTL though, so things can and do change both ways.
Hi @samcc and welcome to the planet.

ill leave the MTL expert advice to those above which have given some great advice.

what i will ask is what sorts of flavour are you after. there are many suppliers who still do TPD tested 10ml bottles inc 3,6,9,12,18mg normal nicotine.
as your not sure whats the best strength what i done when i gave up 5 years ago i bought a 12 and 18 nic. 18mg was perfect after a 37 year bad habit of 20-30 a day. if you smoked less than this then try 12mg.
back in the day mtl was all there was until the revolutionary kanger subtank appeared which was the first real DTL with lower ohm coil. i then dropped straight down to 3mg and have stuck there ever since.

as said above you can check out LiQuid, Manabush (great fruit infused backy flavours), Drip Drop, Vampire Vapes, Re Juiced who all have a variety of flavours in 10ml bottles.

all links can be found here POTV Vendors & Recommended E Liquid Suppliers
Hi @samcc and welcome to the planet.

ill leave the MTL expert advice to those above which have given some great advice.

what i will ask is what sorts of flavour are you after. there are many suppliers who still do TPD tested 10ml bottles inc 3,6,9,12,18mg normal nicotine.
as your not sure whats the best strength what i done when i gave up 5 years ago i bought a 12 and 18 nic. 18mg was perfect after a 37 year bad habit of 20-30 a day. if you smoked less than this then try 12mg.
back in the day mtl was all there was until the revolutionary kanger subtank appeared which was the first real DTL with lower ohm coil. i then dropped straight down to 3mg and have stuck there ever since.

as said above you can check out LiQuid, Manabush (great fruit infused backy flavours), Drip Drop, Vampire Vapes, Re Juiced who all have a variety of flavours in 10ml bottles.

all links can be found here POTV Vendors & Recommended E Liquid Suppliers
Yeh some great advice from you all, thanks!
I am open to flavours at the moment, I tried a honey tobacco from mirage which I liked but after using a 50ml bottle I was pretty bored of it so went on to doozy vapes bubble which I don't find as flavourful, good taste just not enough of it.. so I guess all I can really tell so far is strong flavours. I have a doozy vape apple chew waiting after I use this bubbly and I'm sure I'll like that, just hope blandness isn't a theme of doozy vapes or I've wasted a bit of money.
I have seen vampire vapes and they look good and seem to have a wide range of flavours at 18mg.

I mean as far as I can gather my options are go mtl and try 18 mg (which I will do) or stick to dtl and try 6mg pre mixed as 3mg nic salt mix isn't doing it (I was/am 20+ a day as well)
Yeh some great advice from you all, thanks!
I am open to flavours at the moment, I tried a honey tobacco from mirage which I liked but after using a 50ml bottle I was pretty bored of it so went on to doozy vapes bubble which I don't find as flavourful, good taste just not enough of it.. so I guess all I can really tell so far is strong flavours. I have a doozy vape apple chew waiting after I use this bubbly and I'm sure I'll like that, just hope blandness isn't a theme of doozy vapes or I've wasted a bit of money.
I have seen vampire vapes and they look good and seem to have a wide range of flavours at 18mg.

I mean as far as I can gather my options are go mtl and try 18 mg (which I will do) or stick to dtl and try 6mg pre mixed as 3mg nic salt mix isn't doing it (I was/am 20+ a day as well)
rotation is the key as vaping the same flavour for too long risks vapours tongue where you will lose all taste.
you could try the marmite test from vampire vapes. you will either love it or hate it. heizenburg is a dark fruits berry and aniseed and is quite strong. a warning though is it can linger in tanks for months even after a thorough was out. i use one tank just for that flavour.
also if you do buy some 18mg and its too strong then just buy a zero nicotine of the same flavour and mix them both together and it will lower to 9mg
good luck and keep us posted how you get on.
Yeh some great advice from you all, thanks!
I am open to flavours at the moment, I tried a honey tobacco from mirage which I liked but after using a 50ml bottle I was pretty bored of it so went on to doozy vapes bubble which I don't find as flavourful, good taste just not enough of it.. so I guess all I can really tell so far is strong flavours. I have a doozy vape apple chew waiting after I use this bubbly and I'm sure I'll like that, just hope blandness isn't a theme of doozy vapes or I've wasted a bit of money.
I have seen vampire vapes and they look good and seem to have a wide range of flavours at 18mg.

I mean as far as I can gather my options are go mtl and try 18 mg (which I will do) or stick to dtl and try 6mg pre mixed as 3mg nic salt mix isn't doing it (I was/am 20+ a day as well)
You could buy a zlide for less than two packs of fags and get a few different strengths of liquid to try. Get a 6mg for your dl tank too and see how you go. Keep the mod you have until you’ve decided whether to stick with vaping or not. When you crack it you can go wild! If you decide to stay with dl then the likes of @MrDJ and others can give you some good recommendations on the next tank to buy for dl. Good luck. Try and stick with it as once you find your happy place you’ll never look back!
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