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MTL RTA tank


Apr 15, 2021
Hello everyone. I need a help and advice on MTL RTA tank please.
I am using at the moment VooPoo Drug S with MTL pod. I am vaping for a 6 month now and I am no going back to the cigarettes anymore which I very please I managed to quit the stinky habit finally.
All good with my VooPoo but I find that the all the hassle with coils which never last long for me. A week or a bit longer, the licking of the tank when is hot etc. I also have a VooPoo Vinci x and I put it away because it’s licks so much in hot weather and I have enough with it.
I am thinking to move on MTL RTA tank but I never build coils my self, but I would like to learn and trying to found as much info about it before I go to buy the tank.
Question to the people who using RTA etc tanks and know about it everything.
How easy or hard to fit coil and cotton? Any pluses and minuses. How long the coil last ? Would be it cheaper or mor expensive to compare use a stock coils? Etc.
I am looking at some tanks and could someone explain what a difference between them and if they not that good, could you please recommend me a good MTL RTA tank.
The most important would be it easy to do for a lady ?☺️
Vandy Vape Berserker MTL RTA Tank
Oxva Arbiter Solo RTA
Pandora MTL RTA by Yachtvape
Also I using 0.8 coil.

Thank you.
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Hello everyone. I need a help and advice on MTL RTA tank please.
I am using at the moment VooPoo Drug S with MTL pod. I am vaping for a 6 month now and I am no going back to the cigarettes anymore which I very please I managed to quit the stinky habit finally.
All good with my VooPoo but I find that the all the hassle with coils which never last long for me. A week or a bit longer, the licking of the tank when is hot etc. I also have a VooPoo Vinci x and I put it away because it’s licks so much in hot weather and I have enough with it.
I am thinking to move on MTL RTA tank but I never build coils my self, but I would like to learn and trying to found as much info about it before I go to buy the tank.
Question to the people who using RTA etc tanks and know about it everything.
How easy or hard to fit coil and cotton? Any pluses and minuses. How long the coil last ? Would be it cheaper or mor expensive to compare use a stock coils? Etc.
I am looking at some tanks and could someone explain what a difference between them and if they not that good, could you please recommend me a good MTL RTA tank.
The most important would be it easy to do for a lady ?☺️
Thank you.
Personally my favourite is the yachtvape pandora - the build is seriously easy (the coil just wants to sit between those posts) - the flavour is awesome and they are very forgiving.

you are going to get a lot of opinions on atomisers tho :) they are almost like juice flavours when it comes to preferences :)
Personally my favourite is the yachtvape pandora - the build is seriously easy (the coil just wants to sit between those posts) - the flavour is awesome and they are very forgiving.

you are going to get a lot of opinions on atomisers tho :) they are almost like juice flavours when it comes to preferences :)
Thank you for the reply.
I used few deferent coils and devices, VooPoo 0.8 I the best worked for me . But really thinking to move to RTA .
How long coil last ? And any difference in wire ? Also how you know what wattage to use, this is what I can’t work out . Please
@Eka rta is much cheaper compared to a tank with factory coil heads. Also more interesting since you can customize wire type, resistance, etc to your liking.
I suggest Augvape Intake Mtl and Expromizer V4/v5 as top airflow tanks. Those are easy to wick and leak proof.
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Aspire Neeko RTA is worth considering. I find it easy to build and great flavour. With an RTA your coil should last ages but you will probably have to rewick (replace the cotton) after about a week. Using an RTA is far cheaper than a stock coil tank. It will take a bit of practice but it's not difficult.
The cost difference is

Stock coils around £10 for 5 coils every 5-6 weeks

With rta
Small coil building toolkit (optional but recomended) around £10 one off purchase
Spool of wire around £5 every couple of years though you may buy more to try different wires.
Bag of muji or labo cotton around £6 every don't know how many years no one has ever run out of the stuff.
@Eka rta is much cheaper compared to a tank with factory coil heads. Also more interesting since you can customize wire type, resistance, etc to your liking.
I suggest Augvape Intake Mtl and Expromizer V4/v5 as top airflow tanks. Those are eady to wick and leak proof.
Thank you very much for the reply. Very helpful. Where I can learn about wire time and residence? Also what range of wattage to use. Thank you.
Aspire Neeko RTA is worth considering. I find it easy to build and great flavour. With an RTA your coil should last ages but you will probably have to rewick (replace the cotton) after about a week. Using an RTA is far cheaper than a stock coil tank. It will take a bit of practice but it's not difficult.
Thank you so much
The cost difference is

Stock coils around £10 for 5 coils every 5-6 weeks

With rta
Small coil building toolkit (optional but recomended) around £10 one off purchase
Spool of wire around £5 every couple of years though you may buy more to try different wires.
Bag of muji or labo cotton around £6 every don't know how many years no one has ever run out of the stuff.
Thank you very much.
If I using 0.8 coil hat wire I need to use ? Please
Steam engine is a online calculator for coils


Enter wire type, inner diameter, and target resistance you want and it tells how many wraps you need and recomended wattage.

For example if you enter kanthal a1 wire type, 28awg thickness/guage, inner diameter 2.5mm and resistance 1ohm

It will show you need 5 wraps of wire around a 2.5mm coil rod for a 1ohm coil and recomend 12w power. Wich is what I use for mtl.

Thicker wire or less wraps will make the resistance lower, I always try to get 5 or 6 wraps

4 wraps of 28àwg kanthal or 6 wraps of 26awg kanthal will be around 0.8ohms
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