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MTL Set up advice please !

I got one of the xstar mc1 ant single battery chargers to start, wich is fine for single battery mod. Now im using a dual battery nitecore charger wich works out better for me now I have more mods and batteries. I tend to use the same mod in the day and switch to something different in the evening which is when I charge/top up 2 batteries. As I only use single battery mods it doesn't matter wich 2 batteries I put on to charge/ topup together.
batteries for dual battery mods should always be married, that is kept in pairs and always used and charged at the same time together.

Thanks for that, good information to have. And thanks to everyone else who gave advice, much appreciated.
I actually went for the Kroma a Zenith kit in the end. Did a bit more looking in to things, and I just liked the sound of the Zenith tank more than the Nautilus. Sounded like the coils are better wearing too which was another thing that swung it. So no need for batteries, I did look at the Kroma R Zlide kit, which looks very smart, but the Kroma a being slightly cheaper and not needing batteries I decided to go with that one, possibly in the future, but for now going to enjoy saving some money that I'm not spending on ciggs, over two weeks now, really chuffed. Good advice you all gave me, thank you so much.
I actually went for the Kroma a Zenith kit in the end. Did a bit more looking in to things, and I just liked the sound of the Zenith tank more than the Nautilus. Sounded like the coils are better wearing too which was another thing that swung it. So no need for batteries, I did look at the Kroma R Zlide kit, which looks very smart, but the Kroma a being slightly cheaper and not needing batteries I decided to go with that one, possibly in the future, but for now going to enjoy saving some money that I'm not spending on ciggs, over two weeks now, really chuffed. Good advice you all gave me, thank you so much.
Good piece of kit, enjoy it!!
Good bit of kit. The zenith tank and a caliburn pod system for the self activated draw are both what got me off the cigs. Keep up the good work mate
Thanks, I feel I am going to succeed this time. Over two weeks is massive for me, failed at about 5 days most times I have tried. I've almost stopped thinking about smoking now, Just the occasional reach, which is quickly passed with a few blasts on the vape. I don't wake up every day with a sore throat, or a rattling chest either now.

The new set up arrived nice and early this morning, so I've had a chance to test it out. Really impressed with it. Smaller than I expected (that's a good thing) Everything is so simple, changing coils and refilling juice etc. It's a little loser vape even on one hole, but that's fine, I am getting to the point where I don't need such a fine draw, and I still have my Jac Vapour pens anyway. The flavour is great, what I really like is that some of the manabush juices are quite complex juices, and have a very different taste on different set ups. Obviously on my starter kits you can't adjust anything. I am using the 1.6 coils in the Zenith, changing it from 10w to 12w gives the juice a much different taste, they are both nice. Nice to have some flexibility with it. I am on my second refill now and the flavour is starting to get better, not sure if there is a breaking in time on a coil or something like that, but definitely feels like the taste has improved even more than the first tank. My wife did say I need to put it down soon though, I think I am going to end up buying her one, she gave up 5 years ago just using the starter kits and has stuck with those, but I can see she is intrigued now.
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