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Mums call for ban after girls buy 'e-cigarettes' at Tamworth market

Man, I'm not usually one to don my tin-foil hat, but I agree with those who've suggested this is a put-up job. Look at those poor, innocent, traumatised wee faces. Couldn't you just weep for their lost innocence? Don't you people realise that
The packaging makes the product look like a pen
? I'm trying to use my clearomiser to write to my crush Justin right now (he's just DREAMY), and I don't understand why it isn't working. I think I need a grown-up.

Also, if anyone is vaping vanilla or fruit, drop that shit right now. It's for children only. Adults are supposed to enjoy flavours such as fibre, denture fixative and income tax.

Kerry Viera said: “I know these things are not illegal, but surely there is a moral duty as responsible adults, not to sell these products to children.

Don't rely on me to raise your kids, lady. Jeez.
firstly, am I the only one thinking it's a good thing these teens are trying to quit smoking?? if your teen is already having sex, they damned well better be using condoms...

secondly, agree with what ^ posted about the teens balking and blaming the vendor if they got someone to purchase for them; I had a teen ride his moped into my car...policeman told me the mother was wailing like a banshee demanding I be charged for endangering her little darling (I was sent on a driver's awareness course..sigh)

>> faquing lying toe rag - do not expect teens to accept responsibility

*edit. oh hi PotV . besos. x
They should be invited as guests of honour at the next vapefest and given a proper mod. cheeky wee scamps!
Seriously though the trader needs a visit from the ape police. The pack the sprog has looks like a cheapo like a guy near me sells. I does highlight that we need to self regulate better to get and keep people on side with the revolution. Some sort of code of conduct from ecita or whoever displayed visibly in stores/stalls?
And this does wiff really quite badly of set up.
just noticed this post by Buttpickle:
I so nearly posted but had to wipe it. I love it when the amateur conspiracy theorists spring into action. Sit back and admire, I say Holmes.
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