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Mushroom mod

No idea where I am in the grand scheme of things - would like to get the payment out of the way so it doesn't get spent on necessities.
Same bud,i pmd Armin to say if its this week im screwed he said im 39 so be 1-2weeks bud
No need to apologize fella :)

lovely looking mushroom btw - love the colour

Armin told me its being assembled....

What colours have you gone for? Could you spot it in the pic Armin posted of this weeks mods to be assembled?

I've set mine up with a Hastur V2, first time with the atty too. Loving the mod, not convinced with the atty yet, maybe just need to find the right build for it.

I figured as its got huge long slots I'd need a fairly wide coil that would give a bit of oomph. Put a pair of fused claptons in there, 7/8 wrap around 2.5mm came out 0.27ohm. It was actually a bit of a faff getting them clear enough of the inner ring to be comfortable but I got there in the end.

To start off with I left the wee short wide bore drip tip on there, didn't like that at all, far too open and too close to the coils for my liking. The atty gets hot pretty quick too and the short tip meant that my lips kept touching the hot metal, not nice at all. I nearly gave up on it but tried one of my drip tips on it with the adaptor, wasn't sure I'd get enough air through it but it was actually a massive improvement for me, could even close the air down a little. I'm thinking I could maybe do with a higher resistance, maybe use it on a regulated for a while to find what sort of power I like it at. Time to have a look around at other people's builds on the Hastur I think. Not the bonniest looking setup but beats burning my lips off, note the wee heat shield they now include between the atty and the 510.

I have gone for blue with orange buttons.
I found the hastur a bit warm and not the best flavour, also tried Clapton's in there.
I found it best with ss316l 26awg running at about 0.4 ohms.
Anyone seen the frankenskull squonker? Theres a group on facebook, apparently very hard to get hold of and expensive too!
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For the price of a frankie, you could probably buy a 3D printer and make your own mod lol. People do go mad for them though - 5 are available to UKS and there are probably 100 names on a list to be randomised.
I have gone for blue with orange buttons.
I found the hastur a bit warm and not the best flavour, also tried Clapton's in there.
I found it best with ss316l 26awg running at about 0.4 ohms.

Can't miss it in the pic then eh, only one, look forward to seeing it built up and in your hand.
Thanks for the info on the Hastur. Never used SS before, sounds like a damn site easier build for sure with the bonus I could try using it in TC on other mods. People do seem to be rating SS these days. Did you use spaced or contact coils with it?
Can't miss it in the pic then eh, only one, look forward to seeing it built up and in your hand.
Thanks for the info on the Hastur. Never used SS before, sounds like a damn site easier build for sure with the bonus I could try using it in TC on other mods. People do seem to be rating SS these days. Did you use spaced or contact coils with it?

i use ss wire in my hastur on the dripbox i did have a kanthal build in it at 0.32 ohms and now iam at 0.27 ohms and the flavour is better
i use ss wire in my hastur on the dripbox i did have a kanthal build in it at 0.32 ohms and now iam at 0.27 ohms and the flavour is better

Your ss build ohms out the same as my fused Claptons. Does the atty get hot as hell? Its actually settled down a bit now and I've realised I was probably over squonking it a bit. Still gets hotter than hells coals with more than a few bits at a time.

Maybe I should start another thread for Hastur squonking builds, had a look around but didn't find much.
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