lately been having trouble with my KFL clones dry-hitting. Used to have zero dry hits ever.
I do have the airhole drilled out to 1/8th, so I've been fiddling with closing the screw a bit (i prefer lung hits), and also adjusting wick. I put only micro coils in these. I never have any problems with my kayfun 3.1 clone, and I used to have no problems with my KFL's...although I'm only a few weeks into owning them.
People usually suggest overfilling, too much/too little cotton, or too open of a draw...but it seems no matter what I do lately I start getting dry hits after not too long. My latest build I used a good bit more cotton to wick (keeping the juice channels clear of course) and it seems to be doing better, but not perfect.
The only thing I've changed purposely is to use slightly lower resistance coils...I was around the 1.5 mark, and am now more like 1.1-1.2 range....just seems to be having trouble keeping up.
Anybody have suggestions outside of what I've mentioned? Starting to get a little annoyed.
Also this seems to be irregardless of PG/VG mix...65/35, 50/50, and max VG seem to be equally as likely.