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How To My Day with the Kayfun Lite Plus

I've had mine a few weeks now, using .25 kanthal @ 1.3ohms, cotton wick, love it.
i found it gurgles sometimes if you over fill it watched a video on you tube and they held it upside down and took a draw through the air hole, I've tried this and it works.
love it filled with monkey jiz, am hooked on this thanks to safer vapours
lately been having trouble with my KFL clones dry-hitting. Used to have zero dry hits ever.

I do have the airhole drilled out to 1/8th, so I've been fiddling with closing the screw a bit (i prefer lung hits), and also adjusting wick. I put only micro coils in these. I never have any problems with my kayfun 3.1 clone, and I used to have no problems with my KFL's...although I'm only a few weeks into owning them.

People usually suggest overfilling, too much/too little cotton, or too open of a draw...but it seems no matter what I do lately I start getting dry hits after not too long. My latest build I used a good bit more cotton to wick (keeping the juice channels clear of course) and it seems to be doing better, but not perfect.

The only thing I've changed purposely is to use slightly lower resistance coils...I was around the 1.5 mark, and am now more like 1.1-1.2 range....just seems to be having trouble keeping up.

Anybody have suggestions outside of what I've mentioned? Starting to get a little annoyed.

Also this seems to be irregardless of PG/VG mix...65/35, 50/50, and max VG seem to be equally as likely.

I know this is an old post but what is ID (inside diameter) of the coil you setup in your Kayfun? Could be that ID being too small which can lead to dry hits because your wicking can't keep up. I used to have this problem when I was new to the Kayfun and now I use a larger diameter coil and the wick keeps up just fine. My go to setup is 26awg Kanthal wrapped on a 3/32 (2.38mm) drill bit, 7 wraps for a resistance of 0.9 ohms. Loads of flavor and nice dense vapor.
I don't rate the kayfun wasted a lot of time and money getting it set up. Then the subtank mini came along and never used since

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Kayfun lite plus - best tank I've owned so far

I don't rate the kayfun wasted a lot of time and money getting it set up. Then the subtank mini came along and never used since

The Kayfun lite plus is incredible. I went though loads of different tanks and ended up being disappointed (most notably the aerotank 2 which got rave reviews but constantly leaked through the airholes for me).

When I bought my kayfun lite plus I was completely new to building coils, however went straight down the organic cotton and micro coil route and after about 15 rebuilds it has never gurgled, leaked or produced a dry hit. I use 28 gauge kanthal with about 9/10 turns (1.6/1.7 ohm resistance). For me a small amount of cotton works wonders (You see people stuffing it in and then wondering why they have wicking problems).

To get the perfect vape on the kayfun lite plus just follow this excellent video tutorial by Martyn Parker... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLWE5TNdOrE

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