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My first post :-) some advice on ego ce4 kits please?


Mar 31, 2013
Hi guys!
I've been using a cig like but not getting a great experience with it but ive discovered I really like vaping.
I've been looking at ego ce4 kits with vision clearomizers, Im hoping for some advice whether these are good or not, they look simple to use which is what I want.
They seem to retail on average £35 with 2 batteries and 2 clearomizers, is this good value?
How often do batteries need replacing? This seems to be the expensive bit.
How often do clearomizers need replacing?
Various kits come with different mah batteries, 650 are the most appealing to me cos of size but how good are they?
Any help and advice would be much appreciated
Hi guys!
I've been using a cig like but not getting a great experience with it but ive discovered I really like vaping.
I've been looking at ego ce4 kits with vision clearomizers, Im hoping for some advice whether these are good or not, they look simple to use which is what I want.
They seem to retail on average £35 with 2 batteries and 2 clearomizers, is this good value?
How often do batteries need replacing? This seems to be the expensive bit.
How often do clearomizers need replacing?
Various kits come with different mah batteries, 650 are the most appealing to me cos of size but how good are they?
Any help and advice would be much appreciated

Hello and welcome kriskent

The Ego + CE4 would be a good move up or you could go to a CE5 and have replaceable heads.

They are simple to use and in essence are just a bigger version of the cigalike with same principle.

The Clearomizers can last between a couple of days and a month or so, lots of variables, type of juice, how much you vape etc can determine longevity.

650's are nice as smaller but the number represents the mah rating or storage capacity of the power so the bigger mah rating the longer the batteries last, consider your current cigalike has a mah rating around 200mah.

£35 seems to be about right for an average but check the Market place or vendor discount section for great prices
Thanks for the response, so there wouldnt be anything wrong with that sort of set up?
Can clearomizers be washed out, I've read on here that someone does but should they?
Hi kriskent and welcome to the planet.

An ego/CE4 kit is a decent low faff way of getting a nice vape. £35 sounds fairly reasonable to me for 2 batts and 2 clearos (I'm assuming there's a charger included too?). It might be possible to find the items slightly cheaper but personally speaking, the more important thing would be to buy from a vendor with a decent track record and reputation.

Batteries will usually last for a few hundred recharge cycles before starting to deteriorate to the point of needing replacement (the process of recharging has a cumulative effect and eventually, they won't hold a charge very well). How often you use/recharge the batts will determine how long they last.. the more you use them, the shorter the length of time there will be between buying replacement batteries. If you recharge them both once a day each, they should last a few hundred days... so maybe 6 months between replacements? (That's my guesstimate... if they have heavier usage they'll wear out quicker, less usage they'll last longer). If you can put up with a slightly longer battery, there are 900/1000 mah ego batts that last longer between recharges, so don't have to be recharged as often.

The same principle applies with clearomisers.. the more you use them, the less time between needing to replace them. In my own opinion, they last for between 15-20mls of e-liquid being put through them (other folk might suggest a higher or lower figure... kind of depends on what you would classify as an acceptable vape... preferences can vary). There are replaceable head versions of the CE4, where you keep the main body and just replace the coil head as needed. These tend to work out better value in the long run as coil heads are usually cheaper than a whole new unit.

The clearomisers are also available in different electrical resistances. A lower resistance will allow more wattage through the coil and provide a harsher vape and a higher resistance will allow lower wattage and a milder vape. Resistance will also make an impact on how long the batteries last between needing recharge.. lower resistance will use up a battery quicker than a higher resistance. I'd suggest maybe trying a 'medium range' of resistance, say 2.4/2.5 ohms at first... if it's a bit too harsh for you, try a higher resistance 2.8/3.0 ohms and if the 'medium' is a bit too mild, try a lower resistance 1.8/2.0 ohms.

Hope this helps.. happy vaping. ;)
Just looked at that, looks good and a good price!
Will do a little research on that one, thank you!
Just looked at that, looks good and a good price!
Will do a little research on that one, thank you!

It's spot on I have got a few for family and friends, but don't hang around if you want one cos he sells out quite quick ;)
Hi kriskent and welcome to the planet.

An ego/CE4 kit is a decent low faff way of getting a nice vape. £35 sounds fairly reasonable to me for 2 batts and 2 clearos (I'm assuming there's a charger included too?). It might be possible to find the items slightly cheaper but personally speaking, the more important thing would be to buy from a vendor with a decent track record and reputation.

Batteries will usually last for a few hundred recharge cycles before starting to deteriorate to the point of needing replacement (the process of recharging has a cumulative effect and eventually, they won't hold a charge very well). How often you use/recharge the batts will determine how long they last.. the more you use them, the shorter the length of time there will be between buying replacement batteries. If you recharge them both once a day each, they should last a few hundred days... so maybe 6 months between replacements? (That's my guesstimate... if they have heavier usage they'll wear out quicker, less usage they'll last longer). If you can put up with a slightly longer battery, there are 900/1000 mah ego batts that last longer between recharges, so don't have to be recharged as often.

The same principle applies with clearomisers.. the more you use them, the less time between needing to replace them. In my own opinion, they last for between 15-20mls of e-liquid being put through them (other folk might suggest a higher or lower figure... kind of depends on what you would classify as an acceptable vape... preferences can vary). There are replaceable head versions of the CE4, where you keep the main body and just replace the coil head as needed. These tend to work out better value in the long run as coil heads are usually cheaper than a whole new unit.

The clearomisers are also available in different electrical resistances. A lower resistance will allow more wattage through the coil and provide a harsher vape and a higher resistance will allow lower wattage and a milder vape. Resistance will also make an impact on how long the batteries last between needing recharge.. lower resistance will use up a battery quicker than a higher resistance. I'd suggest maybe trying a 'medium range' of resistance, say 2.4/2.5 ohms at first... if it's a bit too harsh for you, try a higher resistance 2.8/3.0 ohms and if the 'medium' is a bit too mild, try a lower resistance 1.8/2.0 ohms.

Hope this helps.. happy vaping. ;)

Thanks for the info, I appreciate it. There are so many vendors out there to go thru, its a little confusing.
I went from cigalikes to an ego set up, but I went straight for the variable voltage 1100mah ego twist, and I have to say I'm really glad I did because I do use the variable voltage a lot. It really makes a difference for different juices. In fact I liked the twist so much I bought another one. From there I've progressed from the disposable ce4 clearomizers to a mini vivi nova and a Kanger Evod.

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