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My name is Luke and I'm an addict

Feb 6, 2018
I bought my first device, an innokin T20-s, on 30th of Jan. I now have 3 mods, 2 tanks, 2 RTAs, bucketloads of juice and no money. Help.

Seriously though I've been voraciously reading through threads, reviews and whatnot here and it's been an enormous help in finding a setup that works for me. And although the initial outlay has been significant I haven't had a fag since 2nd Feb and *should* be all set for a while now. Thanks to all of you.
Hi Luke,
Nice to meet you bud

Don't want to scare you but you've only just scratched the surface.... lol

Hi Luke,
Nice to meet you bud

Don't want to scare you but you've only just scratched the surface.... lol


Oh I know mate but financial constraints are gonna have to start forcing some self control haha. I just stuck in an SS coil, started using temp control, love it, and had a look into arctic fox... I see there are levels to this shit. Is a total ignoramus like me in danger of breaking things if I give it a try?
Hi and welcome to the planet. The initial learning curve can be fairly steep and expensive but once you find your happy place it calms down a bit. Until the shinyitus sets in and you're just buying stuff because it's new or different. Then you start hiding the packing materials and lying about where stuff came from and how much it cost.

Yeah, welcome to the only support group that feeds and encourages your addiction.
Welcome Luke, I'm on the same journey - checked my credit card account online and nearly fell off my chair :D Some stuff still on its way in the mail, I'll try to just buy juice when needed for a while. Buying shiny things is easier than building coils but I really need to get doing that instead.
Welcome Luke, I'm on the same journey - checked my credit card account online and nearly fell off my chair :D Some stuff still on its way in the mail, I'll try to just buy juice when needed for a while. Buying shiny things is easier than building coils but I really need to get doing that instead.

Hi pal. Yup, unfortunately it's not really sustainable to get shiny things in the post pretty much every day :)Obviously I don't have much frame of reference for comparison but the 2 rta's I bought mainly based off opinions around here, Serpent SMM and OBS Crius 2, are both extremely easy to bung a coil and wick in, and way more flavourful than the tanks I have. I bought a pack of premade coils off of amazon, and a cheap (possibly knockoff) coil master kit for when I've settled on a type of coil I like.
Hello and your not alone it’s the same path for me..
I look and buy all the time...
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