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My New Kit Arrived!


Sep 6, 2013
Well my new kit arrived today and I have started to vape with my ego c-twist and CE5 cartos and what a difference to the SkyCig. Much better vape with a good thoat hit and far less plastic taste. Not quite a much heat as I might like but I need to play around with the voltage. Just need to watch I don't fry the 1.8 coil!

Only problem I have found is my Kanger Protank leaks a bit but that is probably down to not securing it properly as I tried not to overtighten in and probably ended up being overly cautious.

I also didn't realise I can't store the Kanger with juice in it and not have it attached to my ego. Split juice! Fail.
You've got a misplaced o ring somewhere there M8,love my protanks and have 4 sitting in the rack filled ready to go no leaks. Take the bottom off and wick out both should have a thin o ring on, sometimes they do misplace
It shouldnt be leaking like a sieve.. Are you sure everything is secure, threads are all nice and tight (on the protank) do not over tighten it on the battery, youll ruin the battery that way.

Maybe take it apart and put it back together again, if its still that leaky, you need to contact the vendor for a replacement...Mine is full of juice and lays all over the place and not a drop to be found anywhere!
It's ok. I am a moron! I thought the tank had a wick pre-installed. Still don't know why I didn't check! :banghead:

Any idea how long 30ml of juice should last me? I take a couple of vapes every 20/30 mins and seem to be going though it quickly but I may just be paranoid!
I recently started using CE5's, but before that I also used Skycig's and though I was happy with the Skycigs when I switched it was like a whole new vaping world openned up for me.
The Skycigs do tend to burn a little hot but are really easy to use, but they couldnt compare's to the CE5's.
I recently started to get a couple of drips when I refill my protank. Just started doing it but can't figure out why!! Wick is screwed in tight and not cross threaded.
I recently started to get a couple of drips when I refill my protank. Just started doing it but can't figure out why!! Wick is screwed in tight and not cross threaded.

Could be overwicking. Try a small piece of silica laid over the existing wicks. Thin juices can flow through a little too quickly without it.
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